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Infrastructure Policy Group

The Infrastructure Policy Group (IPG) is regular meeting of the major worldwide e-infrastructure projects - encompassing High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Throughput Computing (HTC). Regular attendees include:

Through regular meetings, currently co-located with OGF, this small group made up from the senior management of each project discuss policy issues that impact interoperation between their infrastructures. The long-term goal of this work is to being to align policies within each infrastructure so that the user experience in using different infrastructures is simplified and improved.

Remit and Membership

The Infrastructure Policy Group is a forum for the discussion of principles and practices for policies of distributed infrastructures. The goal of the Infrastructure Policy Group is the achievement of seamless interoperation of leading Grid Infrastructures worldwide. The focus of the group is the needs of the users, resource providers and service administrators who operate across and/or interface between collaborating infrastructures. Concrete technical implementations are out of scope for the group.

The foreseen added value of this group to Infrastructures is that by explaining, sharing and aligning their policies they can learn from each other and improve the services they offer to their users. Each Infrastructure expects to be able to offer a broader range of facilities to users due to interoperable Infrastructures and consequently increase the number of users and level of utilisation.

The membership of the group is limited to representatives of large-scale, multi-disciplinary Infrastructures. Membership of the group is by appointment only with agreement by a majority of the existing members required for a new appointment.



During the first year the primary focus of the IPG was analysing the policy issues relating to security between the different grid infrastructures concerning Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Auditing.

Resource Allocation

Later work analysed the resource allocation policies and procedures between the different infrastructures.

Community Gateways and Portal

Community Gateways and Portals policy comparison activity.

Work in progress

Material on this page is only available to specific group members.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

IPG-GWPORTAL-OGF27-Oct12-v3.xlsx [HomePage/IPG-GWPORTAL-OGF27-Oct12-v3.xlsx]

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