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Date of the Meeting: 19th June 2010

Minute Authors: Steven Newhouse


EGI: Steven Newhouse, Erwin Laure, Dave Kelsey, Michaela Lechner

DEISA: Herman Lederer

Naregi: Kento Aida

OSG: Ruth Pordes

WestGrid: Jill Kowalchuk, Rob Simmons

TeraGrid: JP Navarro, Dan Katz

Consolidated Actions


  • JP: Send the current portal/gateway questionnaire out again with revised definitions.
  • Erwin: Will complete questionnaire this week and circulate by the end of the month.
  • Steven: Think about a questionnaire coming out of the July Training retreat in Helsinki. That can be used to collect an organisational position statement .


  • JP: Put results of the portal/qateway questionnaire on the wiki (24/9/10) for people to review and complete with new bits before OGF 30.
  • All: To return completed data questionnaires by the end of July.
  • Erwin: Circulate analysis data questionnaire analysis before Brussels
  • Steven: From completed questionnaire try and pick out commonalities/differences for discussion to lead to another table in the wiki.

Update on portal/gateway discussion (JP Navarro)

Now that we have clarified our definitions, can we update and complete the portal/gateway survey?

Action items are still on going. Actions from the last meeting are reviewed. Main conclusion was that there is no distinction from portal/gateway. The actions from last time:

1. Put questionnaire results on wiki and put URLs to gateways (All)

2. Add questions for users, operators, trust relationship have with the infrastructure

3. Does the portal/gateway access multiple grid (i.e. beyond a single resource provider)

WestGrid has already added the material for the previously collected sections.

Action: JP: Send the current questionnaire out again with revised definitions.

Action: JP: Pu results on the wiki (24/9/10) for people to review and complete with new bits before OGF 30.

Data Access Across Infrastructures (Erwin Laure)

Allocation policy:

1) How can users request storage space on the infrastructure?

2) Can users select the geographic location of the storage space?

3) Can users select the storage medium?

4) What are possible time limitations of requests?

5) Do you have specific terms of use for storage?


6) How do users authenticate with the infrastructure?

7) What mechanisms for data privacy/protection are provided?

8) Do you provide mechanisms for data encryption?

9) What happens in the case of change of digital identity?


10) Do you provide mechanisms for disaster recovery? (E.g. automatic replication of data)

11) What happens to the data when allocation time runs out?

Access and mgmt:

12) What means of data access are provided?

13) Do you provide support for metadata mgmt? If so, what?

14) By what means can users manage their data?

15) Can users change the storage medium (specify tape, disk, etc.)?


16) Is it possible for users to access data stored in another infrastructure?

17) How can users interface to data stored elsewhere (e.g. local data center)


  • Do we need to think about the types of data?
  • Replicate live databases vs. collections of flat files.
  • Qu11: What about classifying the data so that it is treated differently? Long term vs. short-term storage. User definition?
  • What about ownership of data when the person lives?
    • Change of digital identity?
    • Passing on ownership when someone leaves the project?
    • Unique/persistent identifier to the stored data

Action: Erwin: Will complete questionnaire this week and circulate by the end of the month.

Action: All: To return completed questionnaires by the end of July.

Action: Erwin: Circulate analysis before Brussels

Organisational Position Statements (Steven Newhouse)

We identified two topics in Munich:
  • User Support (inc. application porting, infrastructure support, operational support, user support application porting) Questions to answer:
    • What is the scope of your helpdesk/service? What is in/out of the scope of that unit? And why are out things not in?
    • Does your helpdesk interface to other external/internal helpdesk?
    • What is the structure of the support organisation in terms of helpdesk mechanism? Do you act as an agent for the user or pass the user on to the support unit?
    • Triage mechanism? ITIL compliance?
    • What types of support can you get from the helpdesk?
Not every point may be a strong focus for each infrastructure provider. Action: Steven to create a skeleton document for discussion by the end of June which is then filled out.
  • Training & Education. A quick overview from the projects:
    • OSG & TG - Joint activity at the campus level.
    • DEISA - Two workshops a year. Discipline specific and generic activity. Working with other projects. October workshop in Scicly with TeraGrId. Computational Science workshop: Tools, progamme langages, Aiming: at HPC computing scientists doing simulations. Target audience: Post Docs & Advanced PhD students
    • EGI: Driven by NGIs

Action: Steven: Think about a questionnaire coming out of the July Training retreat in Helsinki. That can be used to collect an organisational position statement .

Action: Steven: From completed questionnaire try and pick out commonalities/differences for discussion to lead to another table in the wiki.

Review the additions to previous surveys provided by WestGrid (Jill Kowalchuk & Rob Simmons)

Additions reviewed. Found OK.


Security Policy Group: Formulating a policy framework for Security... should this framework approach for IPG in other areas? Possible agenda item for October.

List management: Consolidate our presence in OGF, but not a working/group.

Next meeting at OGF 30 in Brussels.


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