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Date of Meeting: 28th May 2009

Minutes authors: Bob Jones


EGEE: Bob Jones, Steven Newhouse

DEISA: Hermann Lederer (phone), John Kennedy

OSG: Ruth Pordes, Miron Livny

TeraGrid: John Kennedy, Phil Andrews (phone), JP Navarro (phone)

NAREGI: Kento Aida (phone)

David Wallom (OGF-Europe)

Apologies: Dave Kelsey, Daniel Katz

Actions from last meeting

Input from Dave Kelsey: Here is an update on my actions from the last meeting and a brief update on recent JSPG activities.
  • Dave Kelsey will follow-up with DEISA and TeraGrid security officers to cooperate on security incidents
As I said at the last IPG meeting, this is best coordinated by the security officers themselves. The EGEE Security Officer (Romain Wartel CERN) tells me that there is already good coordination between OSG, TeraGrid and EGEE. Coordination is being organised via GRID-SEC (see Coordination with NREN Csirts is also being pushed, certainly in Europe. I don't think DEISA is included yet.
  • Dave Kelsey will follow-up with DEISA and TeraGrid on AUP alignment.
DEISA is already using a slightly modified version of the OSG/EGEE User AUP. I met with Jim Marsteller (while at a meeting at PSC). He told me that the TeraGrid security group had looked at the JSPG AUP and concluded that they did not want to replace their existing policy (User Responsibility Policy). He did give me feedback that the JSPG AUP is missing some important topics: Export control, Personal data security, software licensing. JSPG plans to revise the AUP within the next year, taking into account feedback from TeraGrid, DEISA and other Grids and NGIs. Other comments are welcome.
  • JSPG news
The EGEE/WLCG Joint Security Policy Group met recently at CERN. See: The membership of JSPG has been extended. French, German and UK NGIs are now represented (we already had participation from Nordic countries, Netherlands, South-East Europe and perhaps others I have missed!). ASGC Taipei also attended with the aim of coordinating feedback from Asia. Input from these and perhaps more NGIs will be important as we review and revise the whole policy framework over the next year for input to EGI. After the meeting we released 5 revised documents, two of which are in "final call" with the remaining three now widely distributed inviting comments. See The two "final call" policies relate to VO Registration and Management, both of which are revisions of old policy documents which were rather WLCG specific. We have made the documents simpler and more general.
    • The VO Registration Security Policy defines a set of security-related responsibilities placed on the Grid implementing a procedure to register a VO with the Grid, and on the VO and its managers.
    • The VO Membership Management Policy defines the minimum requirements on Virtual Organisation (VO) Managers for managing the members of their VOs.
The other 3 policies are as follows (first two are new policies):
    • Grid Policy on the Handling of User-Level Job Accounting Data. This document presents the minimum requirements and policy framework for the handling of user-level accounting data created, stored, transmitted, processed and analysed as a result of the execution of jobs on the Grid. It addresses the various legal data protection issues related to user-level job accounting. The policy is aimed at EU-based Grids (for EU Data protection laws).
    • VO Portal Policy. This Policy applies to all Portals operated by Virtual Organisations that participate in the Grid. It classifies the types of Portal application and User authentication. For each class it specifies conditions of operation including requiring the use of Robot Certificates (issued to automated Grid clients) for some of them.
    • Security Incident Response Policy. This is a revision of the old document which included policies and procedures. The aim here is to specify the policy (in a simple form) with the procedures (Grid-specific) being in separate documents.

NAREGI participation

Kento Aida summarised the position of NAREGI with respect to its participation in IPG, which is described in the document attached to the agenda page:

Although the production level NAREGI operation was not started, we would like to continue participating the Infrastructure Policy Group to share the information. Review the infrastructures input to the proposed resource allocation spreadsheet David displayed the updated spreadsheet and the group discussed the entries: Kento will provide input from NAREGI.

David will distribute an updated version taking into account the input provided during the meeting. The infrastructures should review this updated version and confirm by email so it can be publicized. The infrastructure should then add a link to the wiki from their websites.

Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting of this group will be held at the OGF27 meeting in Banff, Alberta, Canada, between 12 and 15 October 2009.

The Canadian infrastructure representatives will be invited for the 1st part of the meeting to gather their input on where they consider the IPG material useful to other infrastructures. The subject of charging fees (in whatever manner) for resource usage will be discussed. Each infrastructure should provide a position paper (questions/issues and current thinking) – David Wallom will lead this discussion.

The subject of data allocation will also be discussed. David will distribute a table with cells to be filled-in by the infrastructures in order to gather information and lead to a common understanding.

For the subject of portals and community gateways, JP Navarro will pose some questions and gather input from the infrastructures which he will then summarise at the next meeting, highlighting commonalities, differences and suggesting ways in which alignment may be possible.

Subjects for future meetings

  • Training and education
  • Review of IPG material (AAAA, resource allocation policies, data aspects, portals and gateways) by user communities


Based on the discussions, the following actions were agreed: Summary of actions:
  • JP will provide teragrid security contacts to Dave Kelsey
  • Steven will request 2 sessions at OGF27 for IPG meeting and invite Canadian’s for the 1st session.
  • Kento will provide input to the resource allocation policy spreadsheet for NAREGI.
  • David Wallom will distribute and update resource allocation policy spreadsheet for final approval before publication.
  • David Wallom will separate the data aspects of the spreadsheet and gather input from infrastructures ahead of the next meeting.
  • JP to distribute template for input on portals and gateways and present the results at the next meeting.

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