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Date of Meeting: 4th March 2008

Minutes authors: Bob Jones


EGEE: Bob Jones, Steven Newhouse

DEISA: Hermann Lederer

OSG: Ruth Pordes (phone)

TeraGrid: Phil Andrews


Invited: Dave Kelsey, David Wallom

Summary of AAAA Information

Dave Kelsey had prepared a template spreadsheet with the information he had gathered from each of the infrastructures on their AAAA status. OSG and EGEE had added their entries to the spreadsheet. During the meeting, Hermann and Phil provided additional information for DEISA and TeraGrid.

We agreed that we would make the information recorded in the spreadsheet public (but with better explanations of the entries based on Dave’s slides from the previous meeting) via an OGF managed wiki page with editing restrictions. Steven to set-up this wiki page.

OSG and EGEE already cooperate on security incidents. It is agreed that DEISA and TeraGrid will also cooperate and their security officers will determine how best to implement this security incident cooperation.

Dave has interacted with the JSPG to review AUPs and related policies and see whether they can be made to converge. He presented the website, and specifically the Grid AUP:

Dave is waiting for feedback from TeraGrid (via Jim Basney) and still needs to consult with Jules Wolfrat (DEISA) to understand if there are any conflicts with their specific policies. This supplements local policies and to allow local users to use resources at other sites.

Review of resource allocation policies, procedures and portal information

David Wallom presented slides showing his analysis of the material provided by the infrastructures. He had reviewed the policies and procedures with the following points in mind: Availability, scope, users, criteria, allocation as well as gateways/portals/web 2.0/user access mechanism.

The very complete Teragrid document is the only one that is easily available and locatable. There is significant divergence in terms of scope and David suggested that the scope should really be tailored to two specific audiences: Users and Resource providers for which different information and styles should be used.

In terms of criteria, there are significant difference between HPC (DEISA, TeraGrid) and HTC (EGEE, OSG). HPC has a more formal process involving a scientific and technical view of user requests while HTC relies on the resource providers input.

For portals, TeraGrid has the most developed approach to scientific gateways and even has a document called “How to write a successful science gateway bid”. David highlighted the following areas for potential alignment of the infrastructures:

  • Projects and/or virtual organisations
    • Consider in the longer term allocation of resources dependant on measurable criteria? NGS in the UK is already doing this in places.
  • This seems relevant for EGI but OSG is not considering following this path.
    • Current direct VO to resource centre relationship skews towards large VO
  • In a sense there is a disjoint between HPC and HTC here: HTC accommodate more easily communities while HPC are tailored towards individuals
    • Users must be able to work out what resources they need beforehand
    • Communities cannot be individually reviewed (DEISA)
  • Consider (please!)
    • common name
    • common structure where possible of the policy documents
    • common location for policy document
    • common focus, user community or resource provider etc
It was agreed that we should address common vocabulary and then produce a common web page covering all infrastructures, in a similar manner to the AAAA information. In terms of longer-term issues, David highlighted:
  • Charging for utilisation
    • NGI resources will come from shared functionality resource operating under internal business models,
    • users must be able to show proof of ability to pay where necessary
  • Co-allocation, new user communities requiring both HTC & HPC,
    • Common allocation units required
    • Must always be dependent on most stringent requirements
  • Data only users,
    • David noted that, with the exception of TeraGrid, the resource allocation policies and procedures is very much focussed on CPU usage and that there is little attention
given the data storage and management aspects. The NGS is already receiving dataonly requests and he expects this trend to continue in the future and to become an important point for all the infrastructures. We have to consider how people request/reserve/allocate data resources.

Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting of this group will be held at the OGF26 meeting in Chapel Hill, USA, on 28 or 29 May 2009.

In terms of participation, Bob will contact NAREGI to understand if they still wish to participate. Initial involvement was based on willingness to interoperate for the shared support of user communities. This basis should be used for any expansion of the group and also tied with some engagement at the technical level of OGF’s work. OGF27 will be held in Canada and that may be the opportunity to include the Canadian infrastructure.


Based on the discussions, the following actions were agreed:
  • Steven will prepare a wiki page presenting the AAAA information
  • Dave Kelsey will follow-up with DEISA and TeraGrid security officers to cooperate on security incidents
  • Dave Kelsey will follow-up with DEISA and TeraGrid on AUP alignment
  • David Wallom will distribute a spreadsheet to gather resource allocation information in a consistent manner from the infrastructures
  • Bob will contact NAREGI to determine if they wish to continue to participate
  • Steven & Ruth will organize the next meeting at OGF26

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