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Date of the Meeting: 18th March 2010

Minute Authors: Bob Jones and Steven Newhouse


EGEE: Bob Jones, Steven Newhouse

WestGrid: Jill Kowalchuk (Executive Director), Rob Simmonds (CTO)

EGI,eu: Steven Newhouse, Michaela Lechner

DIESA: Herman Lederer, John Kennedy

TeraGrid: JP Navarro

NAREGI: Kento Aida

Dave Kelsey, EGEE-JSPG

David Wallom (NGS & OGF-Europe)



Steven: Add Jill & Rob (WestGrid) to the mailing list.

For OGF29:

Jill/Rob: Add WestGrid's (Canada, covers grids & HPC) input to existing areas (AAA, Resource Allocation, ...) of the wiki - Jill has access to the wiki. Rob can be given access if he registers on GridForge. All: Update portal/gateway questionnaire when JP has updated it following the feedback from this meeting. JP to send previously collected information back to participants to be updated. JP: Place updated information on the wiki when it has been returned. JP has access to the wiki. All: Provide position statements on user support and training & education. For OGF30: All: Review material contributed to IPG to date.

Review of Portal & Gateway Activity (JP's slides):

If one organisation (e.g. an NGI) runs a portal/gateway but it uses infrastructure provided by another (e.g. EGI) who owns the portal/gateway - assumed its the organisation not the infrastructure. For example - DEISA used to run a user portal... stopped that and now has community run gateways accessing their resources.

Portals/gateways can also be used for management activities: EGEE - Uses web interfaces to tickets, accounting records and VO enrolment. DEISA - Has a web interfaces for the PI managing the allocations awarded from their review process. Accounts created at home location and then gets replicated. TG - Uses their credentials to access services.

Factors driving portal/gateway Characteristics:

  • Who operates/provides it - the infrastructure or the community using it?
  • Trust relationship - between the portal/gateway provider and infrastructure provider?
  • Who can use it? Single & multiple communities?
  • What infrastructures can the portal/gateway access - single & multiple infrastructures?

Capture this information on the wiki pages. Agreed to revisit answers by infrastructure for the portal/gateway questions now that we have a clearer definition.

Future subjects for IPG:

  • Access to data across infrastructures (read-only, read-write) - need an expert to cover this area (suggestion was Erwin Laure, who agreed to take on this role when asked after the meeting). Suggest that we get Erwin to distribute a proposal for clarify the scope and approach before OGF29 so it can be agreed at the meeting, infrastructures provide input afterwards and Erwin presents an analysis at OGF30.
  • User Support (each infrastructure to provide a position statement, ahead of OGF29)
  • Training & Education (each infrastructure to provide a position statement, ahead of OGF29)
  • After these we should review the IPG material once the above subjects have been addressed

We expect to be able to cover these subjects over the next 2 OGF meetings (Chicago, Brussels)

This is the last meeting where EGEE will participate and will be passing over its role to EGI.

OGF29 - June 20-22, Chicago - Review input from Data questionnaire and position statements on User Support (inc. application porting, infrastructure support, operational support, user support application porting) and Training & Education. OGF30 - October 25-29, Brussels - Review input from all the IPG meetings


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