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wiki2451: GatewayPortal
Initially the team prepared separate Community Gateways and Portals surveys. While reviewing the results of these surveys we concluded that there was no clear distinction between the terms Community Gateways and Portals as used by the various infrastructures, so we decided to create a single converged survey for both.

The results of the initial separate surveys are in this spreadsheet.

The single converged survey follows. Each participating infrastructure should complete their appropriate columns by merging and updating their answers from the initial separate surveys.

Security Policy


1: Can the credentials used to access gateways/portals also be used
to access other grid services directly (without going thru the
DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? For some communities yes, for the core infrastructure no. NOWestGrid?
2: Are the credentials used to access gateways/portals stored in a public identity service,
such as MyProxy or OpenID?
DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? For some communities yes, for the core infrastructure No CAN BEWestGrid?
3: Is there a TERMS OF USE statement that gateway/portal users must agree to?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? Nothing specific. covered by the general AUP for Users and Services GW specificWestGrid?
4: Are these the same TERMS OF USE as for other resources in your grid?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? YesNO*WestGrid?TG: additional community account requirements
5: Do you have a policy or guidelines document for gateway/portal developers?
If so, please provide a URL.
6: How do gateways/portals manage security incidents?
6a: Are they managed thru standard grid security incident channels?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? YES YESWestGrid?
6b: Are they communicated to other grid operators?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? YES YESWestGrid?
6c: How are users notified?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? Through the VO Security ContactsBy GW developersWestGrid?
7: What is the trust relationship between gateways/portals and the grid infrastructure?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? They are a VO service and covered by the User and Service AUP. For a service "owned" by OSG the trust relationship is internalTG?WestGrid?


8: What user information is stored in/by gateways/portals?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? VO specific Unique user IDWestGrid?
9: What other user information do gateways/portals have access to (like
allocations and accounting information)?
DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? VO specific. Looking at how to extract this information for the infrastructure accounting serviceProject allocation informationWestGrid?
10: Do gateways/portals discover grid infrastructure characteristics, or are they hand configured?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi? Using information through the BDII BOTHWestGrid?


11: Can gateways/portals perform the following activities for users?
11a: Launch, manage, and monitor jobsDEISA?EGEE?Naregi? VO Specific YESWestGrid?
11b: Launch and manage workflowsDEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificYESWestGrid?
11c: Request and manage allocationsDEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificYESWestGrid?
11d: Move and/or store dataDEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificYESWestGrid?
11e: Catalog and advertise public dataDEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificYESWestGrid?
11f: Login to grid systemsDEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificNOWestGrid?
11g: Submit, update, and track support requestsDEISA?EGEE?Naregi?NOUse standard ticketing mechanismWestGrid?
11h: Any other activities?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificnoWestGrid?
12: Can gateways/portals initiate grid activities using individual user credentials?DEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificSOMEWestGrid?
13: Can gateways/portals initiate grid activities using community wide credentials (like community accounts)?
If yes, do grid services know who the user is?
DEISA?EGEE?Naregi?VO SpecificYES*WestGrid?TG: user identification is work-in-progress, w/ privacy considerations


QuestionDEISAEGEENaregiYes, EGI, WLCGTeraGridWestGridComments
14: Do some of your gateways/portals access resources from both your grid and other grids?
If so, which other grids?

Users and Operators

15 and 16: Please provide the following information for each key gateway/portal:
- Name - Which communities are serves, or ALL if available to all infrastructure users,
- Who operates it: the "grid infrastructure" or "others"? - What security trust relationship it has with the infrastructure (mutual, trusted, not trusted) - The URLs to the gateway/portal
InfrastructureGateway/portal NameCommunities Served (or ALL)Operator(GRID or OTHERS)Trust relationshipURLComment
TeraGrid33 gateways*variousOTHERSTRUSTEDGateways listed here:

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