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Delegation  (8 Items)
Document ID : Document Name Size Last Edited By Last Edited On  
doc15472: Delegation in the CREAM Service 91 KB Moreno Marzolla 01/30/2009  
doc15549: PGI Transport Level Security Profile 5.96 KB Moreno Marzolla 03/04/2009  
doc15450: EDGeS : Security : X509 Proxies with Restrictions 178 KB Morris Riedel 01/29/2009  
doc15452: gLite delegation service interface (WSDL) 25.44 KB Morris Riedel 01/29/2009  
doc15444: Grid Delegation Protocol Morris Riedel 01/29/2009  
doc15455: Restricted Impersonation - X509 and SAML 84.5 KB Morris Riedel 01/29/2009  
doc15440: WS-Trust specification Morris Riedel 01/29/2009  
doc15433: X.509 Proxy Certificates for Dynamic Delegation Morris Riedel 01/29/2009  

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/projects.pgi-wg/docman.root.input_documents.security_material.delegation at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:31:21 GMT