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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: EDGeS : Security : X509 Proxies with Restrictions
Document ID: doc15450
Description: By now, WITHOUT restrictions on delegation, X509 proxies permit FULL impersonation. Therefore, when sending jobs, X509 proxies must NOT be sent along to UNTRUSTED computing resources.

But it could be acceptable, when sending jobs, to send along X509 proxies containing restriction attributes about data access to UNTRUSTED computing resources (for example from a public Desktop Grid).
Version Comment:
Version Created By: Etienne URBAH - 01/21/2009 3:00 PM EST
Status: Draft
Current Version: 1
Size: 178 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 1 Etienne URBAH - 01/21/2009 Draft

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/doc15450?nav=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:31:35 GMT