This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/tracker1693 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:06:24 GMT SourceForge : List Artifacts

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Project: JSDL-WG     Trackers > [PROVISIONAL] Feature requests  > List Artifacts Search Tracker
tracker1693 : [PROVISIONAL] Feature requests Summary
Name: [PROVISIONAL] Feature requests
Priority 1:  0 Priority 2:  0 Priority 3:  10
Priority 4:  0 Priority 5:  0 Priority None:  0
Summary: 10 Open, 0 Closed: 10 Total
Description: A provisional tracker to collect all new artifacts until the old trackers are archived and removed.

[PROVISIONAL] Feature requests   (10 Items)
Priority Artifact ID : Title Assigned To Submitted By Status Category  
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3 artf6520: Study, criticize and improve 'GLUE 2 Attributes for Use in JSDL' document None Etienne URBAH Open  
3 artf6521: Study feasibility, syntax and semantics of conditional requirements in JSDL None Etienne URBAH Open  
3 artf6522: Study feasibility, syntax and semantics of the OR relational operator for requirements in JSDL None Etienne URBAH Open  
3 artf6519: Study GLUE 2.0 Conceptual Model of the Computing Service None Etienne URBAH Open  
3 artf6527: Clarify details of the requirement for hold points Morris Riedel Oxana Smirnova Open  
3 artf6524: Define the required HPC extensions Morris Riedel Oxana Smirnova Open  
3 artf6529: Formalise requirement for pre- and post-execution procedures Morris Riedel Oxana Smirnova Open  
3 artf6525: Formalise requirement for re-using GLUE2 elements Morris Riedel Oxana Smirnova Open  
3 artf6526: Formalise requirement for the application software element and attributes Morris Riedel Oxana Smirnova Open  
3 artf6528: Formalize requirement for manual file staging Morris Riedel Oxana Smirnova Open  

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/tracker1693 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:06:24 GMT