05/27/2003 9:59 PM
2002-12-18 TELECON
Minutes of the Twelfth OGSI-WG Teleconference
18/Dec/2002 @ 21:30-23:00 GMT
Tim Banks <IBM>
Karl Czajkowski <USC/ISI>
Steve Graham <IBM>
Dave Snelling <Fujitsu>
Pete Vanderbilt <NASA>
Shel Finkelstein <Sun>
1. Approval of Minutes - OK
2. Review actions
Action: Pete to close bugs noted in last week's minutes. - Pending
Action: Jeff Frey to draw up a description of how to integrate the 'implicit' verses 'SDE' state dichotomy. Also look
into other issues of coherency control. - Pending
Action: Steve T&G to push on W3C to get what we need (portType extension without breaking encapsulation). Take ownership
. - Pending
Action: Tom Maguire and John R, not being happy with the mutability language, will propose new language reflecting the
current meaning. - Pending
Action: Dave S Faults summary. - Pending
Action: Steve Graham and Pete to drive the creation of an XML Schema for the specification (#35). Dependent on service
data and some pointers on WSDL 1.2 syntax. - Pending
Action: Dave Snelling and Andrew Grimshaw to look at requirements and solutions for pull like semantics. - Pending
Action: Dave S to put a proposition for registration portType, together with exact text. - Done
Action: Andrew G to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior. - Pending
Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers (#17) - Pending
Action: Pete V. and Steve T. to propose a more general solution to the extensibility argument pattern, see bug 34. -
Action: Dave do registry correctly with respect to findServiceDataRedirection and take on board some of the comments and
ideas from the teleconference. - New
3. Workgroup Interim meeting:
At ISI in LA (fly to LAX). Karl will send details.
4. Discussion of findServiceDataRedirection proposal.
The questions was raised, is this need to be a domain specific function or a more general function as proposed? If it is
likely to be common place (2 use cases already: the registry and a distributed GRAM service). A simple URI indirection
was proposed as in WSIL, but this leaves out the possibility of using the resolver services.
There seems to be a violation of encapsulation, but more elaboration on this argument is needed to the list.
It was argued that the service should be able to do the indirect service data look up on behalf of the client. This
would of course be the norm where this was possible. The reason the service doesn't do the indirect search has to do
with authorization - the client might be in a better position to contact the other services directly. [Dave: I believe
this would be clearer through the GRAM example - any takers?]
Note that the use of findServiceDataRedirection in the Registration proposal is not actually consistent with the this
proposal. See actions.
The topic was Tabled for further discussion to the list and alt later meetings.
Action Dave do registry correctly with respect to findServiceDataRedirection.
5. Discussion of Registration portType proposal.
Resolved: Dump ContentName
Proposal: Replace locator equivalence with locator uuid.
Proposal: Unregister by queryExpression, to give more flexibility.
Proposal: Add a key as an argument or have the registry return a key.
Proposal: Rather than just a key, return a Handle to a service as with subscription. This would provide lifetime
management but might be to heavy.
Action Dave for second draft.
Note that the next draft will still have the status of a proposal without any resolution on specifics.
6. Discussion of Service Data Proposal
Still awaiting Service Data summary document, and we ran out of time too.
7. Next Meeting:
January 8, Wednesday pm (US & Europe) or Thursday am (Asia-Pacific) at:
13.30-15.00 US Pacific (e.g. Los Angeles)
14.30-16.00 US Mountain (e.g. Denver)
15.30-17.00 US Central (e.g. Chicago)
16.30-18.00 US Eastern (e.g. New York)
21.30-23.00 GMT
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