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SC2007 HPC Profile Interop Fest Status (SC07 Demonstration Details)

HPC Basic Profile Interoperability tester:

(certificate used by the HPC Basic Profile Interoperability Tester for optional X509 client authentication is available here)


  1. University of Virginia .NET Implementation (X509):, JSDL (Without staging), JSDL (With staging)
  2. University of Virginia .NET Implementation (username/passwd):, JSDL (Without staging), JSDL (With staging)
  3. Microsoft HPC group:, JSDL Contact:
  4. EGEE2/OMII-Europe CREAM-BES:, JSDL Contact: Paolo Andreetto, Moreno Marzolla
  5. Nordugrid/KnowARC A-REX: JSDL
  6. Forschungszentrum Juelich UNICORE (username/password):, JSDL (Without Staging), JSDL (With Staging) Contact: Shahbaz Memon (, Shiraz Memon (, Morris Riedel (
  7. Platform Computing:, JSDL
  8. GridSAM/OMII-UK: [, JSDL Contact: Vesso Novov (
  9. GridSAM/OMII-UK(with DataStaging and Credentials): [, JSDL_staging_credentials Contact: Vesso Novov (

Reference Documents

Security Info

General setup: WS-Security Username Profile (plaintext), HTTPS

  1. UVa .NET Implementation: --> UVA Standard Assurance USHER SKP1 --> UVA USHER PKP CA1 -->USHER CA1
  2. Microsoft HPC group:
  3. Platform Computing: CA Cert
  4. GRIDSAM: CA Cert
  5. UNICORE: CA Cert
  6. CREAM-BES: CA Cert
  7. Nordugrid/KnowARC A-REX: CA Cert

General Sequence

  1. get factory attributes document
  2. create job
  3. query the status of that job
  4. (show job output)
  5. get job’s JSDL document
  6. terminate job

General Status of the Services

Get Factory Attr DocCreate jobQuery statusShow job outputGet job's JSDLTerminate job
UVA .NETdonedonedonedonedonedone
Microsoft HPC Group donedonedonedonedonedone
Nordugrid/KnowARCdone done donedone done done
Platform Computingdonedonedonedonedonedone

1. Get Factory Attributes Document

Clients\Services UVa .NETMicrosoftCREAM-BESUNICOREGRIDSAMNordugrid/KnowARCPlatform Computing
UVA .NET --- successsuccess success success
Microsoft HPC Group success --- success success
CREAM-BES --- success success
UNICOREsuccess success --- successsuccesssuccess
GRIDSAMsuccess successsuccess --- successsuccess
Nordugrid/KnowARC success success successsuccess --- success
Platform Computing success success successsuccess ---

2. Create Job

Clients\Services UVa .NETMicrosoftCREAM-BESUNICOREGRIDSAMNordugrid/KnowARCPlatform Computing
UVA .NET --- successsuccess success success
Microsoft HPC Group success --- success success
CREAM-BES --- success success
UNICOREsuccess success --- successsuccesssuccess
GRIDSAMsuccess successsuccess --- successsuccess
Nordugrid/KnowARCsuccess success successsuccess --- success
Platform Computing successsuccess success success ---

3. Query Status

Clients\Services UVa .NETMicrosoftCREAM-BESUNICOREGRIDSAMNordugrid/KnowARCPlatform Computing
UVA .NET --- successsuccesssuccesssuccess
Microsoft HPC Group success --- success success
CREAM-BES --- success success
UNICORE success success --- successsuccesssuccess
GRIDSAMsuccess successsuccess --- successsuccess
Nordugrid/KnowARCsuccess success success success --- success
Platform Computing successsuccess success success ---

4. Show Job Output

Note: Out-of-band mechanism, not directly in-scope of the HPC Profile. Each implementation will provide details on correct mechanism to use.

  1. UVa .NET Implementation:
  2. Microsoft HPC group:
  3. Platform Computing:
  6. Nordugrid/KnowARC:

Clients\Services UVa .NETMicrosoftCREAM-BESUNICOREGRIDSAMNordugrid/KnowARCPlatform Computing
UVA .NET ---
Microsoft HPC Group --- not accesible
CREAM-BES --- success success
UNICORE success --- successsuccesssuccess
GRIDSAMsuccess success --- success
Nordugrid/KnowARCsuccess successsuccess success --- success
Platform Computingsuccess success success ---

5. Get Job's JSDL Doc

Clients\Services UVa .NETMicrosoftCREAM-BESUNICOREGRIDSAMNordugrid/KnowARCPlatform Computing
UVA .NET --- successsuccesssuccesssuccess
Microsoft HPC Group success --- success success
CREAM-BES --- success success
UNICOREsuccess success --- success successsuccess
GRIDSAMsuccess successsuccess --- successsuccess
Nordugrid/KnowARCsuccess success successsuccess --- success
Platform Computingsuccess success success success ---

6. Terminate Job

Clients\Services UVa .NETMicrosoftCREAM-BESUNICOREGRIDSAMNordugrid/KnowARCPlatform Computing
UVA .NET --- successsuccesssuccesssuccess
Microsoft HPC Group success --- success success
CREAM-BES --- success success
UNICOREsuccess success --- successsuccesssuccess
GRIDSAMsuccess successsuccess --- successsuccess
Nordugrid/KnowARCsuccess successsuccess success --- success
Platform Computingsuccess success successsuccess ---

7. Experiences

Here, we are keeping a list of notable occurances during our interop testing. These experiences will become part of the experiences document for both HPC-BP and BES which is part of the OGF standardization process. Currently, it is an unordered list.

  1. Microsoft endpoint required both Operating System Type and Operating System Version. Initially, the compliance tester only allowed specification of version. While OS version is not required by JSDL it is permissible for an endpoint to require it and so therefore the compliance tester was changed. Should there be some standard way for a service to express which (JSDL optional) terms it requires? The GetFactoryAttributes document contains the attributes required by the MS endpoint. Is the assumption that any resources described in a service's GetFactoryAttributes doc should be similarly described in any Activity Document sent to that service? Should we state this somewhere?
  2. Similarly, the BES++ implementation running at UVA requires that ExclusiveExecution be set to false (otherwise an error is generated). Should this fact be advertised for clients to discover?
  3. Vesso's endpoint did not process the WS-security header timestamps that the compliance tester's tooling (WCF) automatically places there. Turning off timestamps seems to have fixed this problem. Unsure if this was to do with the Axis stack or OMII stack, but we have not investigated farther. While this is outside the HPCP, it is worth noting because any client authenticating with Username/password will be sending a WS-Security header. For at least one pair of tools, this did not work "out of the box".
  4. There seems to be an issue with the UnsupportedFeatureFault in that BES says this should be thrown for unsupported non-JSDL elements. However, it looks like some tooling parses based on the provided schema (JSDL) in this case, and so it will ignore unsupported, non-JSDL elements.

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