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wiki1831: ErrattaForVersion1OfSpecifications
  1. Lines 172 and 221 - Dynamic consumer constraints have to be handled by the publishers.
  2. Line 171-173 - add the following explanation: 'The registry will use static constraints to determine which consumers are to be notified. This list can be restricted by dynamic consumer constraints, which, if present, have to be processed by the publisher for each message.'
  3. Lines 383 and 491: ', data sources' has to be deleted
  4. * Line 384 and all other explanations for infod:PropertyConstraint: The text "an XQuery" has to be replaced by "A sequence of namespace declarations following the XQuery prologue entry syntax and local function definitions following the XQuery prologue entry syntax and let statements followed by a single WHERE clause as defined in XQuery Each namespace and local function must be terminated by a semicolon. In any namespace definition the URILiteral must exactly match the URI of a property vocabulary. In each WHERE clause the namespace must always be specified to match a property vocabulary referenced in a namespace declaration. The following variables are predefined $con, $subr, $subn $pub and $dse: the property vocabulary instance of a consumer entry (or subscriber, subscription, publisher or data source entry). This needs updating
  5. After line 413: Syntax error in property constraint
  6. Line 757 and all other explanations for ExecutionFaultMode have to be replaced by: Invalid ExectionMode provided
  7. Lines 1122-1124 - the description has to reference /infod:status as in lines 894 and 895
  8. Line 1618 and throughout, state that GetMetaData call is complete XQuery 1.0
  9. Line 1627 has a typo: replace specify specific a by specify a specific
  10. Line 1628 should be removed
  11. Before line 1632 add 'To identify all resources in an INFOD registry - fn:collection('$$infodResources')'
  12. Line 1632 has to be replaced by: 'To identify all publishers - fn:collection('$$infodPublishers')' The equivalent changes need to be made for lines 1633 - 1640 - as described in the Extended Specification in section 2.7.1
  13. * After line 1639 add: 'To identify all instances of a specific property vocabulary - fn:collection('epr') where epr is the EPR assigned by the INFOD registry'. An error code has to be added after line 1656 'InvalidEPRFault - An EPR in the XQuery does not reference a valid INFOD registry vocabulary.' - I don't think we need this!
  14. * Line 1659 after this line add 3 new calls: GetPublisherNotificationMessages, GetSubscriberNotificationMessages and GetConsumerNotificationMessages the input in each case is the URI (ex EPR) of the Publisher, Subscriber or Consumer entry for which the information is desired. The response is the set of messages that would be sent as notifications if the Publisher, Subscriber or Consumer entry had just been created. "Need to define the message - Dieter"
  15. Line 1669 should be removed
  16. Line 1650-1651 should be extended by: as defined in 'XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization.' (the reference should be added as a footnote)
  17. Line 1681: after this line ConsumerReference of type wsa:ReferenceType has to be added. This field has be be defined at least once. The explanation has to be added after line 1702: The endpoint reference of all consumers that have to receive the message and are related to the WSAReference used to send this message. Additionally, the XML and the WSDL appendices have to be updated.
  18. Line 1696: 'VocabularyAssociation' has to be replaced by 'DataSource'
  19. Line 1771: the ConsumerEntryReference (at least one occurrence) has to be complemented by the ConsumerReference, the external EPR of the consumer (exactly one occurrence). These 2 fields have to become part of a complex element called ConsumerList. ConsumerList (at least one occurrence). The text starting on line 1788 has to be updated accordingly. Additionally, the XML and the WSDL appendices has to be updated.
  20. Line 1776: after this line a field infod:DataSource has to be added. This field specifies to which data source or data sources the following data constraints have to be applied to (at least one occurrence). An explanation has to be added after line 1796. Additionally, the XML and the WSDL appendices has to be updated.
  21. In the intro and throughout, state that all resources are represented as individual documents
  22. In the intro and throughout, state that the URI of the document representing the resource is returned (rather than EPR) when a resource is created and that if this URI is U then document-uri(doc(U)) == U
  23. * Still need to define what data and dynamic constraints look like - at least for XML - I have concerns about how to specify for non-XML
  24. * Throughout the document, the INFOD namespace shall be '' and all the WS-Address action header URI's shall be prefixed by '' instead of ''.

  • * Omissions, errors and clarifications that still need to be approved by the INFOD group

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.infod-wg/wiki/ErrattaForVersion1OfSpecifications at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:16:25 GMT