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wiki2057: GLUE20CommentsOnSQLRealization
  • Same file is included in this document and even with same bugs. e.g Execution Environment have no name field, CopmputingService have no StatusPage, a lot of Entities have no field OtherInfo etc.
  • Most dramatic case is using insted of general Location Entity, separate AdminDomainLocation, UserLocation, ComputingServiceLocation. This will generate useless doubble entries from institution who have not only administrators as well Computers and moreover users located on same longitude, latitude, with same adress.
  • Same for Contact...

  • Foreign Key is fully irrelevant and even sometimes dangerous, when one need to save performance and update partial information in SQL, it could bring to situations, that deleting one table will result of emptying others connected with that one with foreign keys.
  • I don't think that it is good idea to force users follow the strict hierarchy with Foreign Key forbidding them to publish a one information till the other is not provided.
  • For instance, one would like to publish ComputingShare as a virtual machine without need to say where StorageService for that machine is located.
  • As well the names of Foreign Key are oft buggy.
  • Users of GLUE Schema would know themselves, how and which Entities MUST to allow other Entities publish information - and it is relevant only for a particular case, but not for a global Realization Concept.

  • This is a rather trivial comment related to the relational schema/database name - which is currently GLUE20. I suggest GLUE2x0 would be a more meaningful name.

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/GLUE20CommentsOnSQLRealization at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:06:01 GMT