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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid'
Document ID: doc16010
Description: EDGI considers that a Service Grid can be used for production only if it implements a 'Security Use Case' like this one.
Version Comment: Add collaboration diagram. Inside chapter 'Use Case Situation Analysis and PGI Expectations', provide relevant standards for each required high level functionality.
Version Created By: Etienne URBAH - 11/15/2010 11:46 AM EST
Status: Draft
Current Version: 13
Size: 81.5 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations (1) Review  

Date Association Posted By Comment Association Type
09/09/2010 doc16059:EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid' Etienne URBAH
Document "Copy of EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid'"
 was created as a copy of document "EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a 
Production Service Grid'"

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/doc16010?selectedTab=associations at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 22:12:31 GMT