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Artifact artf6562 : Labelsgroup described as string
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: Labelsgroup described as string
The PortGroup and LinkGroup concepts require a "set of labels" concept.
E.g. "VLAN 8,42,100-119".

Here are two proposals how to represent this. Please pick one (personal
preference, XML/RDF-fetish, or throwing a dice are valid selection
mechanisms for today).

Option 2bis.


  <nml:PortGroup id="">
    <nml:labelgroup labeltype="">8,42,100-119</nml:labelgroup>


  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix nml: <>; .
  @prefix nmleth: <>; .

  ex:mytrunk  a               nml:PortGroup .
  ex:mytrunk  nml:label       #12345678 .
  #12345678   nmlparam:type   ""  .
  #12345678   nmlparam:values "8,42,100-119" .

* The exact RDF syntax depends on the outcome of artf6495.

* The - and , are special characters in the label string.
* Technology-specific schemes must define the exact syntax of the label and the labelgroup string with parsing 
guidelines. (E.g. the WDM label string may contain the spacing)
* This proposal explicitly forbid negative labels to avoid parsing errors later.

Submitted By: Freek Dijkstra
Submitted On: 07/11/2012 3:23 PM EDT
Last Modified: 11/30/2012 8:06 AM EST
Closed: 11/30/2012 8:06 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Status:* Completed
Category:* – Labels / Channels
Priority: * 2
Assigned To: * Freek Dijkstra
Jeroen van der Ham: 11/30/2012 8:06 AM EST
  Action: Update
Closed set to 11/30/2012
Status changed from Last Call to Completed
Jason Zurawski: 08/16/2012 6:58 AM EDT
No changes - looks fine to me.  
  Action: Update
Jeroen van der Ham: 08/09/2012 5:16 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Description changed from
The PortGroup and LinkGroup concepts require a "set of labels" concept.
E.g. "VLAN 8,42,100-119".

Here are two proposals how to represent this. Please pick one (personal
preference, XML/RDF-fetish, or throwing a dice are valid selection
mechanisms for today).

Option 2bis.


  <nml:PortGroup id="">
    <nml:labelgroup labeltype="8,42,100-119">8,42,100-119</nml:labelgroup>;


  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix nml: <>; .
  @prefix nmleth: <>; .

  ex:mytrunk  a               nml:PortGroup .
  ex:mytrunk  nml:label       #12345678 .
  #12345678   nmlparam:type   "";  .
  #12345678   nmlparam:values "8,42,100-119" .

* The exact RDF syntax depends on the outcome of artf6495.

* The - and , are special characters in the label string.
* Technology-specific schemes must define the exact syntax of the label and the labelgroup string with parsing 
guidelines. (E.g. the WDM label string may contain the spacing)
* This proposal explicitly forbid negative labels to avoid parsing errors later.
The PortGroup and LinkGroup concepts require a "set of labels" concept.
E.g. "VLAN 8,42,100-119".

Here are two proposals how to represent this. Please pick one (personal
preference, XML/RDF-fetish, or throwing a dice are valid selection
mechanisms for today).

Option 2bis.


  <nml:PortGroup id="">
    <nml:labelgroup labeltype="8,42,100-119">8,42,100-119</nml:labelgroup>;


  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix nml: <>; .
  @prefix nmleth: <>; .

  ex:mytrunk  a               nml:PortGroup .
  ex:mytrunk  nml:label       #12345678 .
  #12345678   nmlparam:type   "";  .
  #12345678   nmlparam:values "8,42,100-119" .

* The exact RDF syntax depends on the outcome of artf6495.

* The - and , are special characters in the label string.
* Technology-specific schemes must define the exact syntax of the label and the labelgroup string with parsing 
guidelines. (E.g. the WDM label string may contain the spacing)
* This proposal explicitly forbid negative labels to avoid parsing errors later.

Freek Dijkstra: 08/08/2012 10:18 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 4 to 2
Status changed from Under discussion to Last Call
Freek Dijkstra: 08/08/2012 10:18 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Description changed from
The PortGroup and LinkGroup concepts require a "set of labels" concept.
E.g. "VLAN 8,42,100-119".

Here are two proposals how to represent this. Please pick one (personal
preference, XML/RDF-fetish, or throwing a dice are valid selection
mechanisms for today).

Option 1.


  <nml:PortGroup id="">
      <nml:parameter name="type">vlan</nml:parameter>
      <nml:parameter name="set">
        <nml:parameter name="value">8</nml:parameter>
        <nml:parameter name="value">42</nml:parameter>
        <nml:paramater name="range">
          <nml:paramater name="start">100</nml:paramater>
          <nml:paramater name="end">119</nml:paramater>


  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix nml: <>; .
  @prefix nmlparam: <>; .

  ex:mytrunk  a               nml:PortGroup .
  ex:mytrunk  nml:label       #12345678 .
  #12345678   nmlparam:type   "vlan"  .
  #12345678   nmlparam:set    #9876543  .
  #9876543    nmlparam:value  "8"  .
  #9876543    nmlparam:value  "42"  .
  #9876543    nmlparam:range  #asdfghj  .
  #asdfghj    nmlparam:start  "100" .
  #asdfghj    nmlparam:start  "119" .

Option 2.


  <nml:PortGroup id="">
      <nml:parameter name="type">vlan</nml:parameter>
      <nml:parameter name="values">8,42,100-119</nml:paramater>


  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix nml: <>; .
  @prefix nmlparam: <>; .

  ex:mytrunk  a               nml:PortGroup .
  ex:mytrunk  nml:label       #12345678 .
  #12345678   nmlparam:type   "vlan"  .
  #12345678   nmlparam:values "8,42,100-119" .
The PortGroup and LinkGroup concepts require a "set of labels" concept.
E.g. "VLAN 8,42,100-119".

Here are two proposals how to represent this. Please pick one (personal
preference, XML/RDF-fetish, or throwing a dice are valid selection
mechanisms for today).

Option 2bis.


  <nml:PortGroup id="">
    <nml:labelgroup labeltype="8,42,100-119">8,42,100-119</nml:labelgroup>;


  @prefix ex: <> .
  @prefix nml: <>; .
  @prefix nmleth: <>; .

  ex:mytrunk  a               nml:PortGroup .
  ex:mytrunk  nml:label       #12345678 .
  #12345678   nmlparam:type   "";  .
  #12345678   nmlparam:values "8,42,100-119" .

* The exact RDF syntax depends on the outcome of artf6495.

* The - and , are special characters in the label string.
* Technology-specific schemes must define the exact syntax of the label and the labelgroup string with parsing 
guidelines. (E.g. the WDM label string may contain the spacing)
* This proposal explicitly forbid negative labels to avoid parsing errors later.

Title changed from Group of Label syntax to Labelsgroup described as string
Freek Dijkstra: 07/11/2012 3:24 PM EDT
Taken from a discussion on the NML-WG mailing list

>>> <vlanRangeAvailability>3800-3809</vlanRangeAvailability>
> [..] Discontinuous ranges can be separated by commas
> (3000-3250,3500,3750-4000). Its pretty easy to parse, generally we do a
> couple splits on commas and dashes.

Thanks. This indeed is easy enough, so let's go for this option.

> Dashes and commas are the only special characters that OSCARS allows.

This disallows negative numbers.

Paranoid sanity check: would there ever be a technology that allows
negative numbers as labels?

The only thing I can imagine if one would describe the central frequency
of G.694.1 (DWDM) as "0", positive numbers for frequencies above 193.1
THz (thus wavelengths below 1552.52 nm), and negative numbers for
frequencies below 193.1 THz (wavelengths above 1552.52 nm).

I don't think this is an issue -- it is easy enough to use wavelength or
frequency to avoid negative numbers, and GMPLS also does not list any
negative label at

Proposal 2-bis:
* Use the syntax with dashes and commas as described in proposal 2.
* Explicitly forbid negative labels to avoid parsing errors later.
  Action: Update
Freek Dijkstra: 07/11/2012 3:23 PM EDT
  Action: Create

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf6562?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 14:39:28 GMT