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Artifact artf6495 : Define Label syntax
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: Define Label syntax
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following UML properties:
* label type: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

The following XML syntax is proposed:

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="">42</nml:label>

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="">193.10~0.05</nml:label>

(where the exact attributename: "labeltype", "type" or "encoding" is still open for debate in artf6577)

The following RDF syntax is proposed:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmleth:vlan           "42"                .
  nmleth:vlan       rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmlwdm:frequency      "193.10~0.05"       .
  nmlwdm:frequency  rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .
Submitted By: Freek Dijkstra
Submitted On: 09/19/2011 9:37 PM EDT
Last Modified: 11/30/2012 8:05 AM EST
Closed: 11/30/2012 8:05 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (1)  
 Page 1 of 2 (18 Items)
Field Old Value New Value Date Performed By
Closed 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 8:05 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
Last Call
11/30/2012 8:05 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
Work in Progress
09/20/2011 9:29 AM EDT Jeroen van der Ham
Assigned To None Jeroen van der Ham
09/20/2011 9:25 AM EDT Jeroen van der Ham
Under discussion
Last Call
09/07/2012 3:29 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following UML properties:
* label type: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

The following XML syntax is proposed:

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="">42</

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="">193.

(where the exact attributename: "labeltype", "type" or "encoding" is still open 
for debate in artf6577)

For RDF, the following two alternatives exist:

RDF Alternative 1 (unnamed label object):

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:hasLabel          #28a8d3cf435        .
  #28a8d3cf435      a                     nml:Label           .
  #28a8d3cf435      nml:labeltype         nmleth:vlan         .
  #28a8d3cf435      nml:labelvalue        "42"                .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:hasLabel          #8c6b32cec          .
  #8c6b32cec        a                     nml:Label           .
  #8c6b32cec        nml:labeltype         nmlwdm:frequency    .
  #8c6b32cec        nml:labelvalue        "193.10~0.05"       .

RDF Alternative 2 (subproperties):

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmleth:vlan           "42"                .
  nmleth:vlan       rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmlwdm:frequency      "193.10~0.05"       .
  nmlwdm:frequency  rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .

RDF Alternative 3:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:layerencoding     nmleth:IEEE802.3    .
  ex:myport         nml:Label             "42"                .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:layerencoding     nmlwdm:DWDM         .
  ex:myport         nml:Label             "193.10~0.05"       .
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following UML properties:
* label type: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

The following XML syntax is proposed:

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="42">42</

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="193.10~0.05">193.

(where the exact attributename: "labeltype", "type" or "encoding" is still open 
for debate in artf6577)

The following RDF syntax is proposed:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmleth:vlan           "42"                .
  nmleth:vlan       rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmlwdm:frequency      "193.10~0.05"       .
  nmlwdm:frequency  rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .
09/06/2012 9:58 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
08/08/2012 8:14 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Wait for Other
Under discussion
08/08/2012 8:12 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following attributes:
* labeltype: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

For RDF, the following syntax is proposed:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #28a8d3cf435    a                 nml:Label    .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labeltype     nmleth:vlan  .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labelvalue    "42"  .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #8c6b32cec    a                 nml:Label    .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labeltype     nmlwdm:frequency  .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labelvalue    "193.10~0.05"  .

For XML, the following two syntaxes are proposed:

Proposal 1)

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">
    <nml:parameter name="value>42</nml:parameter>

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">
    <nml:parameter name="unit">THz</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="spacing">0.050</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="value">193.1</nml:parameter>

Proposal 2)

  <nml:label labeltype="">42</

  <nml:label labeltype="">193.10
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following UML properties:
* label type: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

The following XML syntax is proposed:

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="42">42</

  <nml:Port id="....">
    <nml:label labeltype="193.10~0.05">193.

(where the exact attributename: "labeltype", "type" or "encoding" is still open 
for debate in artf6577)

For RDF, the following two alternatives exist:

RDF Alternative 1 (unnamed label object):

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:hasLabel          #28a8d3cf435        .
  #28a8d3cf435      a                     nml:Label           .
  #28a8d3cf435      nml:labeltype         nmleth:vlan         .
  #28a8d3cf435      nml:labelvalue        "42"                .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:hasLabel          #8c6b32cec          .
  #8c6b32cec        a                     nml:Label           .
  #8c6b32cec        nml:labeltype         nmlwdm:frequency    .
  #8c6b32cec        nml:labelvalue        "193.10~0.05"       .

RDF Alternative 2 (subproperties):

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmleth:vlan           "42"                .
  nmleth:vlan       rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nmlwdm:frequency      "193.10~0.05"       .
  nmlwdm:frequency  rdfs:isSubPropertyOf  nml:Label           .

RDF Alternative 3:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:layerencoding     nmleth:IEEE802.3    .
  ex:myport         nml:Label             "42"                .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmlwdm: <>; .
  ex:myport         a                     nml:Port            .
  ex:myport         nml:layerencoding     nmlwdm:DWDM         .
  ex:myport         nml:Label             "193.10~0.05"       .
08/08/2012 8:11 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Assigned To Freek Dijkstra
None 08/07/2012 6:19 PM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Need proposal
Wait for Other
08/07/2012 6:19 PM EDT Freek Dijkstra
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following attributes:
* labeltype: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

For RDF, the following syntax is proposed:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #28a8d3cf435    a                 nml:Label    .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labeltype     nmleth:vlan  .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labelvalue    "42"  .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #8c6b32cec    a                 nml:Label    .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labeltype     nmlwdm:frequency  .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labelvalue    "193.10~0.05"  .

For XML, the following two syntaxes are proposed:

Proposal 1)

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">
    <nml:parameter name="value><

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">wavelength</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="unit">THz</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="spacing">0.050</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="value">193.1</nml:parameter>

Proposal 2)

  <nml:label labeltype="">42</

  <nml:label labeltype="">193.10
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following attributes:
* labeltype: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

For RDF, the following syntax is proposed:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #28a8d3cf435    a                 nml:Label    .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labeltype     nmleth:vlan  .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labelvalue    "42"  .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #8c6b32cec    a                 nml:Label    .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labeltype     nmlwdm:frequency  .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labelvalue    "193.10~0.05"  .

For XML, the following two syntaxes are proposed:

Proposal 1)

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">
    <nml:parameter name="value>42</nml:parameter>

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">
    <nml:parameter name="unit">THz</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="spacing">0.050</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="value">193.1</nml:parameter>

Proposal 2)

  <nml:label labeltype="42">42</

  <nml:label labeltype="193.10~0.05">193.10
07/11/2012 7:44 PM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Define label and the type of label concepts in UML, and provide examples.

Proposal is: attribute of Link or Port, with type and optional unit value. E.g.

  <nml:label type="c-vlan">42</nml:label>
  <nml:label type="wavelength" unit="nm">1500</nml:label>
A Label is the technology-specific value to distinguish a single data stream 
embedded in a larger data stream.

A Label may have the following attributes:
* labeltype: a URI to refer to a technology-specific labelset
* value is one value taken from the labelset
Technology extensions of NML may define additional attributes.

For RDF, the following syntax is proposed:

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #28a8d3cf435    a                 nml:Label    .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labeltype     nmleth:vlan  .
  #28a8d3cf435    nml:labelvalue    "42"  .

  @prefix  nml: <>; .
  @prefix  nmleth: <>; .
  #8c6b32cec    a                 nml:Label    .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labeltype     nmlwdm:frequency  .
  #8c6b32cec    nml:labelvalue    "193.10~0.05"  .

For XML, the following two syntaxes are proposed:

Proposal 1)

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">
    <nml:parameter name="value><

    <nml:parameter name="labeltype">wavelength</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="unit">THz</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="spacing">0.050</nml:parameter>
    <nml:parameter name="value">193.1</nml:parameter>

Proposal 2)

  <nml:label labeltype="42">42</

  <nml:label labeltype="193.10~0.05">193.10
07/11/2012 7:29 PM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Define Label concept
Define Label syntax
07/11/2012 7:44 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Define Label and LabelType concepts in uML schemU
Define label and the type of label concepts in UML, and provide examples.

Proposal is: attribute of Link or Port, with type and optional unit value. E.g.

  <nml:label type="c-vlan">42</nml:label>
  <nml:label type="wavelength" unit="nm">1500</nml:label>
03/29/2012 12:37 PM EDT Freek Dijkstra


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