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Artifact artf6539 : hasPort vs hasInboundPort/hasOutboundPort
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: hasPort vs hasInboundPort/hasOutboundPort
hasPort is a generic relation between a Node and a Port. It seems more natural to also signal what kind of Port it is in
 the relation, so we propose to use hasInboundPort and hasOutboundPort from Node to Port.*checkout*/201203-subtopology/inbound-outbound-ports.xml?rev=20&
Submitted By: Jeroen van der Ham
Submitted On: 03/14/2012 10:24 AM EDT
Last Modified: 07/11/2012 4:32 PM EDT
Closed: 07/11/2012 4:32 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Status:* Completed
Category:* – Device / Node / Port
Priority: * 4
Assigned To: * Freek Dijkstra
Freek Dijkstra: 07/11/2012 4:32 PM EDT
  Action: Update
Closed set to 07/11/2012
Status changed from Last Call to Completed
Jeroen van der Ham: 03/29/2012 11:38 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Status changed from Under discussion to Last Call
Jason Zurawski: 03/28/2012 7:08 AM EDT
As stated, I do not have a strong reason to oppose, so inbound/outbound is fine.  

I will have to side with Freek instead of Roman on this one, bi-directional port is not a first class element (its a group).  Therefore this makes the
 most sense to me:

  Node -> (Unidirectional) Ports
  BidirectionalPort -> (Unidirectional) Ports

  Action: Update
Freek Dijkstra: 03/28/2012 4:08 AM EDT
Jason, you claim that "the [direction of a port] could be derived from other information in the description"

Usually, yes. However, not always. Imagine a Node with two interfaces: one ingress, the other egress. With the "hasPort" relation between the Node and
 both Port, it is unclear which one is which. With the hasInboundPort and hasOutboundPort, this is obvious.

Also, I have to note that this proposal conflicts with a proposal that Roman suggested: he preferred to specify the following relation hierarchy:
  Node -> BidirectionalPort -> (Unidirectional) Ports

This proposal instead relates:
  Node -> (Unidirectional) Ports
  BidirectionalPort -> (Unidirectional) Ports

I personally like Romans proposal, but found that it did not work as I hoped. Imagine the scenario:

  Node A -> BidirectionalPort B
  Link X -> BidirectionalPort B
  BidirectionalPort B -- (inbound) -> Port P1
  BidirectionalPort B -- (outbound) -> Port P2

In this case it is unclear if P1 is inbound with respect to the Node or to the Link.
  Action: Update
Freek Dijkstra: 03/28/2012 3:53 AM EDT
Full proposal:

Inbound/Outbound Ports
====================== (proposal #3)

Summary: It is useful to specify the direction of a port: ingress or egress with respect to a Node or Topology.

* use hasInboundPort or hasOutboundPort to relate a Node/Topology/Service to a Port.


<nml:Node id="">
    <nml:Relation type="hasInboundPort"> 
        <nml:Port idRef="" />
        <nml:Port idRef="" />
        <nml:Port idRef="" />
    <nml:Relation type="hasOutboundPort"> 
        <nml:Port idRef="" />
        <nml:Port idRef="" />
        <nml:Port idRef="" />
<!-- optional grouping of ports as a bidirectional ports (not part of the proposal) -->
<nml:BidirectionalPort id="">
    <nml:Port idRef="" />
    <nml:Port idRef="" />
<nml:BidirectionalPort id="">
    <nml:Port idRef="" />
    <nml:Port idRef="" />
<nml:BidirectionalPort id="">
    <nml:Port idRef="" />
    <nml:Port idRef="" />
  Action: Update
Assigned To set to Freek Dijkstra
Category changed from Procedural to – Device / Node / Port
Status changed from New to Work in Progress
Jason Zurawski: 03/27/2012 7:34 PM EDT
I don't have a strong opinion on this issue.  The changes seem fine to me, but the information we want (direction of a port) could be derived from 
other information in the description.  
  Action: Update
Jeroen van der Ham: 03/15/2012 7:10 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Description changed from
hasPort is a generic relation between a Node and a Port. It seems more natural to also signal what kind of Port it is in
 the relation, so we propose to use hasInboundPort and hasOutboundPort from Node to Port.
hasPort is a generic relation between a Node and a Port. It seems more natural to also signal what kind of Port it is in
 the relation, so we propose to use hasInboundPort and hasOutboundPort from Node to Port.*checkout*/201203-subtopology/inbound-outbound-ports.xml?rev=20&

Jeroen van der Ham: 03/14/2012 10:24 AM EDT
  Action: Create


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf6539?selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 22:33:38 GMT