Freek Dijkstra: 07/18/2012 11:06 AM EDT
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Status changed from Need proposal to Under discussion
Freek Dijkstra: 07/18/2012 11:06 AM EDT
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Description changed from Define the relation between cross-connects (implemented as Links in NML) and Switch Matrices. to Proposal: the "providesLink" relation define the relation between a switching service and a cross-connect in that
switching service. A cross-connect is implemented as a nml:Link.
XML Example:
<nml:SwitchingService id="urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:myconnectionservice">
<nml:Relation type=""http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/10/relation#providesLink">
<nml:Link id="urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:mycrossconnect">
RDF Example:
@prefix nml: <http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/10/base#> .
@prefix nmlrel: <http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/10/relation#> .
urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:myconnectionservice a nml:SwitchingService .
urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:myconnectionservice nmlrel:providesLink urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:
mycrossconnect .
urn:ogf:network:example.net:2012:mycrossconnect a nml:Port .
Title changed from Cross-connects - Switch Matrix relation to providesLink relation
Freek Dijkstra: 09/21/2011 6:35 AM EDT
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Status changed from New to Waiting for volunteer
Freek Dijkstra: 09/21/2011 6:33 AM EDT
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Description changed from Define cross-connects in UML schema. Does this take place in Switch Matrices? to Define the relation between cross-connects (implemented as Links in NML) and Switch Matrices.
Title changed from Define cross-connects to Cross-connects - Switch Matrix relation