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Artifact artf5596 : Protocols - would like to have GridFTP
Tracker: Public Comments
Title: Protocols - would like to have GridFTP
Dave Berry raised the question of enumerating more protocols in the specification, including GridFTP.

"The spec gives URIs for 3 protocols.  I think that GridFTP should be added to this list.  Not only is it widely used on
the Grid, but it is the outcome of a GGF WG."
Submitted By: Neil Chue Hong
Submitted On: 09/26/2006 11:25 AM EDT
Last Modified: 10/31/2006 10:30 AM EST
Closed: 10/31/2006 10:30 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 1
Assigned To: * Michel Drescher
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
Michel Drescher: 10/31/2006 10:30 AM EST
GridFTP is a protocol that does not offer a close enough fit to reason references or integration with ByteIO in the min specification, as it does not 
offer partial resource transfer (on hte level of file system files).

While ByteIO could be used to do download an entire resource, this is nt the anticipated and modeledd primary use case for ByteIO.

Therefore the group decided to not include a URI for GridFTP in the main ByteIO specification.
  Action: Update
Closed set to 10/31/2006
Status changed from Pending to Closed
Michel Drescher: 09/29/2006 5:56 AM EDT
While I am not objecting adding other protocols as currently defined (or profiled) for ByteIO, I raise the issue of GridFTP not being a suitable 
protocol supporting ByteIO.

The reason is that GridFTP, as it is based on plain old FTP, does  does not support partial transfers of resources.

So, in an attempt to add GridFTP as a protocol for ByteIO, using GridFTP might apply just for the cases that the user want to transter the whole 
resource using ByteIO (as an agreement protocol) - which, unfortunately collides with the ByteIO requirement of short reads and short writes. GridFTP 
siimply is incompatible to that.

The case is different for Parallel HTTP (or HTTP in general). For this, I will add separate trackers.
  Action: Update
Status changed from Open to Pending
Mark Morgan: 09/27/2006 10:21 AM EDT
Michel has agreed to take this on.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Mark Morgan to Michel Drescher
Neil Chue Hong: 09/26/2006 11:30 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Description changed from
Dave Berry raised the question of enumerating more protocols in the specification, including GridFTP.
Dave Berry raised the question of enumerating more protocols in the specification, including GridFTP.

"The spec gives URIs for 3 protocols.  I think that GridFTP should be added to this list.  Not only is it widely used on
the Grid, but it is the outcome of a GGF WG."

Neil Chue Hong: 09/26/2006 11:25 AM EDT
We agreed to add a unique name and protocol for GridFTP as a MAY to the list, as it is stable and defined in GGF.

We need to identify someone who will commit to doing a  byteio implmentation which uses GridFTP.
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Neil Chue Hong: 09/26/2006 11:25 AM EDT
  Action: Create


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5596?selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 21:46:13 GMT