Andreas Savva: 07/18/2007 11:37 PM EDT
Comment: |
Confirmed in draft 11.
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Closed set to 07/18/2007
Status changed from Fixed to Closed
Andreas Savva: 04/11/2007 4:22 AM EDT
Comment: |
* Changed 'collapsed' to 'combined' as we suggested to HPCP Application.
* Added normative text
An Argument element MUST be passed as a single argument to the application. An empty Argu-ment element MUST result in an empty argument being passed
to the application.
* Added note that a type change may happen in the future.
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Status changed from Resolved to Fixed
Donal Fellows: 04/05/2007 6:58 AM EDT
Comment: |
The "collapsed" concept is erroneous and doesn't exist in the XML Schema space.
If I remember right, at the time the intention was to say that empty Argument elements should not be removed; they should instead result in empty
arguments being passed to the invoked application.
The other possible interpretation is that Argument should really be an xsd:string and hence have no normalization step applied to it (i.e. no
stripping of leading/trailing whitespace, no conversion of sequences of whitespace into single whitespace). I favour this interpretation (it's the
most useful one!) but it is a schema change.
The other point to note here is that embedded spaces should not cause a single Argument element's content to be interpreted as more than one argument.
Compliant job engines might need to add suitable quoting to achieve this.
[Distill this into the text to put in the errata release how you will.]
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Assigned To changed from Donal Fellows to Andreas Savva
Andreas Savva: 09/13/2006 2:08 PM EDT
Comment: |
Add clarification in definition of argument.
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Assigned To set to Donal Fellows
Status changed from Open to Resolved