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Artifact artf3331 : (88) Clairfy properties for ServiceGroup/Entry portType
Tracker: OGSI V1.0 Specification
Title: (88) Clairfy properties for ServiceGroup/Entry portType
Several opportunities for clarification in the description of the portTypes

In section 13.1:

 * "All of the member Grid service instances of a ServiceGroup MUST conform to 
(ie be a subtype of) one of the portTypes..."
  > should be "at least one of..." (see 13.1.1 paragraph 1)

 * "The content element of the Entry SDE SHOULD include all the ContentTypes 
for all the memberInterfaces listed in the membershipContentRule,..."
  > should be "for any memberInterfaces that the entry's member service 
implements." (see 13.1.1 paragraph 1.)

 Better still, remove this duplication of these rules in favour of 13.1.1 para 

Section 13.2:

  * paragraph 1, 2nd sentence "Each ServiceGroupEntry service..." 
    should be "Each ServiceGroupEntry service instance..."
Section 13.2.2

  * 2nd sentence. "..(where the destruction of the ServiceGroupEntry removes 
the member service..."

    - "..destruction of the ServiceGroupEntry service instance.."      
    - clarify "removes" with "MUST" or "SHOULD" remove...  
    - "..the member service instance 'entry' data element."


  * Input parameter description, penultimate sentence. "..this is equivalent to 
performing a destroy operation on the matching ServiceGroupEntry services."

    - Clarify the coherency rule between ServiceGroup 'entry' SDE elements and 
the corresponding ServiceGroupEntry instance.
Submitted By: David Snelling
Submitted On: 05/28/2003 9:09 AM EST
Last Modified: 06/17/2003 7:10 AM EST
Closed: 06/17/2003 7:10 AM EST

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf3331?nav=1&selectedTab=attachments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:12:18 GMT