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Out of curiosity I have implemented WS-Address, WS-ResourceLifetime and
WS-ResourceProperties in OGSI::Lite (OGSI::Lite is a basic implementation
of OGSI in Perl) and applied the "implied resource pattern" to the
standard OGSI Counter example. To exploit the new features of WSRF I
wanted to provide two Web Service interfaces to the one
Counter resource (in the case of the Counter I am thinking the piece
of memory or the database entry holding the count value is the resource).
One Web Service provided an add and subtract operations
and the other provided a getValue operation. In my "factory" Web
Service I returned two WS-Addresses, one for each Web Service.
The code is avaliable at
since I work on OGSI::Lite in my free time I have only been able to devote
the equivalent of a few man days to implementing WSRF. (There may be
places where I have mis-interpreted the specs or where the quality of the
code is just plan bad!).
* Why are WS-ResourceLifetime and WS-ResourceProperties linked -
(you find the CurrentTime and TerminationTime from Resource
Properties). Would it not be better if there was no reliance
of one on the other giving the developer a complete choice of
what parts of WSRF he wanted to employ.
Mark Mc Keown Grid Support Centre Manchester Computing
+44 161 275 0601 University of Manchester
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