This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf3307?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:12:18 GMT SourceForge : artf3307: (744) Inconsistency in the naming of SOAP messages

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Artifact artf3307 : (744) Inconsistency in the naming of SOAP messages
Tracker: WS Resource Lifetime
Title: (744) Inconsistency in the naming of SOAP messages
Hi all,

I have read "WS-ResouceProperties","WS-Notification", and 
"WS-ResourceLifetime" and found an inconsistency in the naming of 
SOAP messages.

Almost all messages defined in the WSRF specs are named with the 
following naming convention.

1) A request message has the "Request" suffix attached to the operation name.
   For example, "SetResourceProperties" operation has the request 
   message named "SetResourcePropertiesRequest".

2) Similarly, a response message has "Response" suffix attached to 
   the operation name.
   For example, the response message of "SetResourceProperties"
   operation is named "SetResourcePropertiesResponse".

However, the "SetTerminationTime" operation does not follow 
the conventions above.
The request message is named "RequestedTerminationTime" and 
the response message is named "NewTerminationTime".

Is this intentionally named or a simple mistake?


Akihiro Yamagami  E-Mail :
Research & Planning Div., Software Gr., Fujitsu Limited
Submitted By: David Snelling
Submitted On: 02/25/2004 9:47 AM EST
Last Modified: 05/21/2004 5:55 AM EST
Closed: 05/21/2004 5:55 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 0
Assigned To: * None
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
issue_type: * Bug
David Snelling: 05/21/2004 5:55 AM EST
This was picked up by the WSRF TC and will be delt with there. I close it here.
  Action: Update
David Snelling: 05/21/2004 5:55 AM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2004-05-21 11:55:09
summary changed from Inconsistency in the naming of SOAP messages to Inconsistency in the naming of SOAP messages
David Snelling: 02/25/2004 9:47 AM EST
  Action: Create

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf3307?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:12:18 GMT