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Meeting on 2010-03-04, 3:30 p.m. (CET)

Review Minutes last week

Review action items

Review edits by Balazs on the document

Precise agenda planning for OGF28



Morris, Balazs, Luigi, Aleksander, Oxana, Mark, Etienne, 
& LRZ guy (sorry not noted the name)

Balazs & All: Debrief of document

Balazs: Debrief open tasks for different PGI Members 

Morris: Workshop is confirmed on Friday & Saturday at OGF, location will be at the OGF location

Morris: First half day on Friday would be a meeting opportunity with other groups if possible

Morris: Perform OGF Session description and roughly agenda plans as follows:
(Session 1)
Intro (20 min) + Interface Work
(Session 2)
JSDL et al. refinements & new PGI elements
(Session 3)
More interface work, but focus on state model etc.

All: Agreed to have intensive OGF Preparations next week
Confirmed dates are:
Mo 03-08-2010, 3:30 CET
Do 03-11-2010, 3:30 CET

via usal telcon numbers and screen-sharing.


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/projects.pgi-wg/discussion.meetings.topc4290 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:28:03 GMT