02/17/2005 4:46 PM
Minutes 27 Jan 2005
Attendees: Dieter Gawlick, Abdeslem Djaoui, Cecile Madsen (minutes)
* Review of the first draft of the specifications doc for GGF13
* Dieter assigned to Abstract, Intro and Goal/Requirements sections
* Dieter and Abdeslem to start writing the Registry reference property section
* Cecile to update the reference property section with right ordering
and similarly update operations' section; update terminology (create/alter/drop,
unless come up with better terms for Registry actions) and operations' section
(add DefinePublisher - missing)
* Send your updates to Cecile who will coordinate consolidation until doc is in gridforge.
Latest draft will be distributed by Wed Feb 2nd noon, for Thursday review/discussion.
* Next call: Thursday, Feb 4th, 9AM
02/17/2005 4:45 PM
From Susan Malaika
I'm so sorry I wont be able to join the call today - a mess up in my calendar
I'll catch up through Cecile
Steve Fisher can't join either - he is skiing!
I got approval to attend GGF13 -Hurrah! I got a map of Seoul now - so will be able to see if IBM is near the hotel
I'm so hoping that Cecile will get approval too - I've done my best to put a case forward (but nothing is certain)
The OGSA data group seem to be taking an interest in INFOD now (I was on their call yesterday)
I got some of their requirements
* performance
* streams and messages
* delivering things in bits
* flip flop between logical mode and digital mode when delivering (information and data as they were calling it )
Anyway I asked them for use cases