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Welcome to the wiki of the Firewall Issue Research Group (FI-RG)

The charter of the FI-RG states that informational documents should be submitted about the following topics:

  • An inventory of the type of issues when Grid jobs have to deal with middle-box functions, application level gateways, VPN style gateways, etc. Describe and classify the issues in document #1
  • An evaluation of existing IETF middle-box (signaling-) protocols and functions. Recognize possible limitations and produce a list of requirements towards the IETF in document #2
  • An evaluation of approaches and solutions such as application level gateways, host based firewalls, VPN style gateways etc. Capture results in document #3

This wiki forms the basis for last two documents. Therefore requirements and existing solutions are collected. Upcoming solutions are also described briefly here.


All these solutions and requirements are reviewed and will then find their way into the documents. During the review process the solutions are evaluated if they meet a set of minimum requirements. After a successfully review the solutions will be placed in the upcoming documents.

So feel free to join in an describe your solution or requirements briefly. If the solution is going to make it into the next documents if will be further described and evaluated.

For any questions feel free to send an email to !


This section provides the requirements coming from the use cases documented in our first document.

Existing Solutions

This section holds the solutions already available by today. The analyses afterwards tries to categorize and show the advantages and disadvantages. Vendors are encouraged to include their solutions at this place.

Upcoming solutions

process.png [HomePage/process.png]

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