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Project: GRIDRPC-WG     Documents > Root Folder > GridRPC Recommendation Drafts > Document Details
Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: A GridRPC Model and API for End-User Applications (modified)
Document ID: doc15043
Description: The document is a modified version of GFD-R.052 according to the interoperability test result of GFD-E.102.
Version Comment: The error codes table are added to two functions in section 4.7.
Version Created By: Yusuke Tanimura - 02/17/2008 10:42 PM EST
Status: Final
Current Version: 1
Size: 179.08 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 1 The error codes table are added to two functions in section 4.7. Yusuke Tanimura - 02/17/2008 Final

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/doc15043?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 05:56:33 GMT