Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
Action: |
resolution changed from PUBLISHED to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 07/13/2005 1:14 AM EST
Comment: |
Mass Update
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2005-07-12 22:14:36
resolution changed from <None> to PUBLISHED
Greg Newby: 05/10/2005 9:21 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_group changed from DATA to <None>
artifact_status changed from Closed to Open
assigned_to changed from 9357 to 100
Category changed from Recommendations Track to <None>
group_artifact_id changed from Submit GGF Draft to Published
Priority changed from 5 to -
resolution changed from Published to <None>
Joel Replogle: 05/04/2005 4:27 PM EST
Comment: |
Published on May 4, 2005 as GFD.47
Action: |
Joel Replogle: 05/04/2005 4:27 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from ready to publish to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2005-05-04 17:27:17
Priority changed from 1 to 5
Steve Crumb: 05/03/2005 11:00 AM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 102 to 9357
Greg Newby: 05/03/2005 10:09 AM EST
Attachment: |
(141 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 585: GWD-I.47.doc
artifact_status changed from Final 15day GFSG Review to ready to publish
assigned_to changed from 302 to 102
Priority changed from 2 to 1
resolution changed from <None> to Published
Greg Newby: 05/03/2005 9:56 AM EST
Comment: |
This is now approved as a GGF proposed recommendation
(GFD-R-P). We will get it online & announced over the
upcoming few days as GFD #47.
Thanks again for your efforts on this important document.
If you haven't already, please review GFD-1 for the process
of moving to a "Grid Recommendation" status -- this takes
at least a few months, involves GFD-E documents, and
another editorial process. I am looking forward to working
with the GridFTP-WG as you work towards GFD-R status.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 04/28/2005 9:39 AM EST
Comment: |
Due to travel, I've pushed the final GFSG discussion + vote date
back to May 3 2005.
Thanks for the new PDF. We also need a correspondinng .doc
or other editable format, in order to moe forward with
publication. Please upload this ASAP.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 04/12/2005 4:18 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to Final 15day GFSG Review
assigned_to changed from 111 to 302
Priority changed from 4 to 2
resolution changed from Returned to Authors/Group to <None>
Greg Newby: 04/06/2005 1:55 PM EST
Comment: |
Public comment is now completed. The document's editors will upload a revised document shortly.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 04/06/2005 1:54 PM EST
Comment: |
Public comment is now completed. The document's editors will upload a revised document shortly.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 04/06/2005 1:54 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to Pending Info from Authors
Priority changed from 3 to 4
resolution changed from <None> to Returned to Authors/Group
Greg Newby: 02/01/2005 11:54 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from GFSG Review to Public Comment Period
Priority changed from 4 to 3
resolution changed from Accepted to <None>
Greg Newby: 02/01/2005 11:53 AM EST
Action: |
Priority changed from 3 to 4
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 01/25/2005 11:48 AM EST
Comment: |
This document will now enter a 60 day public comment period.
Due date: 3-25-2005
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/25/2005 11:28 AM EST
Comment: |
This draft has completed the necessary steps prior to
being made available for public comment. Authors,
working group / research group chairs, and Area
Directors should encourage individuals to participate
in the public comment process and should announce
the public comment availability to appropriate
communities and groups.
Public comments can be viewed and submitted via
the GridForge Editor pages (see Forums) or:
Public comments play an important part in the advancement
of a GGF draft and publication as a document in the
GGF document series.
An active public comment period strengthens the case
that the document is a useful and desired work product
for some community of consumers.
The GFSG approved this document to enter public comment during the Jan 25 conference call.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/25/2005 11:28 AM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 278 to 111
Priority changed from 4 to 3
Greg Newby: 01/03/2005 10:30 PM EST
Comment: |
Per GFD.1, I'm going ahead with an Editor review. Sorry for the long delay with this document's initial AD review. Some suggestions for minor
changes prior to 60-day public comment are below.
This document is now in 15-day GFSG review until January 20 2005. If you can get a revised document responsive to my fairly minor comments by the end
of that period, we'll put the revised document into 60-day public comment then. If there are substantial comments requiring document changes from
the GFSG, we'll work on those, first. Alternatively, if you'd rather work on these updates before public comment period, that's fine - just send
email, or enter the info in the tracker.
Here is a list of fairly minor issues (formatting, etc., but a few are more substantive). You might want to see any recently published GGF document
for formatting guideline, or the template from the Editor project at gridforge.
- The cover page is not needed; please follow the guideline in GFD.1 et al. for the first page.
- Move the full copyright statement to the end (there is a brief one-line version to use at the beginning).
- Cite your prior document (GFD.20) when you first mention GridFTP v1 in the abstract & main text; this should be in the references section. Is this the [gftp]
you cite? I'm not clear on whether they are actually different, but the GFD.20 should definitely be cited.
- Sections should be numbered (again, see the example)
- The main document starts with a section on X-block mode. But how about adding a brief overview of what GridFTP is, what it's for, and how this
document is different than v1? Also, any recommendations on implementation strategies, or other findings from v1 deployment would be valuable (either
here, or in a concluding section)
- p12: "wihtout" --> "without"
- A Security Considerations section must be added (see the Editor project at Gridforge for guidance on this).
- Your References are not complete. Please provide titles, authors and dates for all items, also publication locations when appropriate.
*All* of the above need to be addressed before this can be published in the GFD series as a draft recommendation, but they do not need to be addressed
prior to public comment.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/03/2005 10:30 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from AD Review to GFSG Review
assigned_to changed from 278 to 111
resolution changed from <None> to Accepted
Greg Newby: 11/23/2004 11:17 AM EST
Comment: |
Assigned to David for initial AD review per 10/23/2004 GFSG call.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/23/2004 11:17 AM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 122 to 278
Greg Newby: 10/28/2004 10:23 AM EST
Comment: |
Status per 10/18/2004 GFSG conference call: awaiting initial AD review. Reminder sent.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/14/2004 11:02 AM EST
Comment: |
Per the October 14 GFSG conference call, I'm changing the assignment to Peter.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/14/2004 11:02 AM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 278 to 122
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 5:04 PM EST
Comment: |
Awaiting initial AD review.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 5:04 PM EST
Action: |
Priority changed from 5 to 4
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 09/08/2004 11:08 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to AD Review
assigned_to changed from 108 to 278
Priority changed from - to 5
None: 09/01/2004 1:27 PM EST
Action: |
None: 09/01/2004 1:27 PM EST
Attachment: |
(123 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 421: GridFTPv2Proposal.doc