Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to none (no value)
Priority changed from 1 to 0
resolution changed from Accepted to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:45 AM EDT
Action: |
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group changed from Applications to APME
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Andre Merzky: 05/04/2007 4:16 PM EDT
Comment: |
upload unmarked pdf, too ;-) Hopefully last fix...
Attachment: |
(177.76 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Andre Merzky: 05/04/2007 5:46 AM EDT
Comment: |
final version with correct version number and without markup
Attachment: |
(177.77 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 04/22/2007 12:18 AM EDT
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Steven Newhouse to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Ready to Publish
None: 04/22/2007 12:16 AM EDT
Comment: |
Documents received via email from Andre Merzky.
This will be published as GFD-I.092, but
we need to get this in an editable format for
possible future changes.
Attachment: |
(179.84 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 01/24/2007 8:57 PM EST
Comment: |
I heard from the authors that this document
will be forthcoming soon.
When published, it will be GFD-I.092.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 12/08/2006 3:32 AM EST
Comment: |
Sent another ping to the authors.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 09/03/2006 8:02 PM EDT
Comment: |
Sent a ping to Paul & Steven.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 03/26/2006 7:52 PM EST
Comment: |
Sent a ping to the authors.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/09/2006 5:45 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to Returned to Author(s)
Greg Newby: 12/11/2005 10:58 PM EST
Comment: |
These comments were mistakenly in tracker #1555, so I'm pasting
them in here:
From Steven Newhouse (2005-12-06 10:02:11)
Generally the document is fine. A few comments relating
to formatting.
1. Abstract. This needs to be expanded - it does not tell me
what is in the document
2. Update copyright and IPR statements - place at the end?
3. Line 69: Change producers -> providers ? Providers is used
else where in the document and gives a better description IMHO
than producers.
4. Line 187: Word missing? 'computations are only performed once'
5. Section 5 - the figure. The diagram is not clear. What is
meant by transpoer? I'd expand the AAA definition. The diagram
in the architecture document is much clearer. Perhaps at line
279 add (AAA)
6. References. Review the references. Capitalisation needs to
be improved. Lines 295,312, 314, 343, 331, 320
7. Missing references - line 319
Action: |
Steven Newhouse: 12/06/2005 2:08 PM EST
Comment: |
Mostly editorial comments:
1, Section 2.1: Following -> The following
2. Section 2.1.2: Second paragraph: Should the 'Grid Authentication implementation' not be 'Job Management'
3. Section 2.2: First sentence does not read well.
4. Section 4. Security considerations. More details would be useful here to drive activity elsewhere within GGF.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/23/2005 6:51 PM EST
Comment: |
Updating priority to "2" rather than "4" -- it
should have been "2" after public comment.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/23/2005 6:51 PM EST
Action: |
Priority changed from 4 to 2
Greg Newby: 11/21/2005 7:08 PM EST
Comment: |
Public comment period for this document is complete.
Authors/editors, please review the public comments
Either respond in that tracker, or this one, and when ready
upload a final document for the next step (final editor
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/21/2005 7:08 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to Pending Info from Authors
assigned_to changed from 9357 to 237
Priority changed from 3 to 4
resolution changed from Works For Me to <None>
Greg Newby: 09/13/2005 6:40 PM EST
Attachment: |
(398.99 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 678: use-cases.pdf
Greg Newby: 09/13/2005 6:39 PM EST
Comment: |
I've received the details on creating a PDF and
am uploading a PDF file. This has some
non-conforming formatting that will need to be fixed
for a final version:
- non-conforming title page
- line numbers
- non-conforming headers & footers on body pages
But we can go ahead with 30-day public comment; a new
tracker item will be created for public comment, and the
30-day timer will start when that happens and it is announced
Thanks for your efforts on this document.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 09/13/2005 6:39 PM EST
Attachment: |
(128.07 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 677: use-cases.new.tar.gz
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to Public Comment Period
assigned_to changed from 137 to 9357
Priority changed from 4 to 3
resolution changed from Returned to Authors/Group to Works For Me
Paul Stodghill: 09/13/2005 10:41 AM EST
Action: |
File Deleted changed from 675: use-cases.tar.gz to none (no value)
Paul Stodghill: 09/13/2005 10:40 AM EST
Comment: |
I understand the Greg had trouble LaTeX'ing this document. I not sure what the problem might have been. In case it was because of missing files, I
have tried to add those which I think may not be in a basic latex setup. Find the new tarball attached.
Action: |
Paul Stodghill: 09/13/2005 10:39 AM EST
Comment: |
I understand the Greg had trouble LaTeX'ing this document. I not sure what the problem might have been. In case it was because of missing files, I
have tried to add those which I think may not be in a basic latex setup. Find the new tarball attached.
Action: |
Paul Stodghill: 09/13/2005 10:39 AM EST
Action: |
File added set to 675: use-cases.tar.gz
Greg Newby: 09/12/2005 3:10 AM EST
Comment: |
Sorry for my delay in responding to this submission.
After considerable experimentation with various tools,
I was unable to generate a clean .ps, .pdf, .txt or .dvi
from the files in the submitted tarball. Thus, I am unable
to provide an initial editor review.
Please re-submit either with explicit instructions
(i.e., a README), or paste instructions into this
tracker. Alternatively, you could simply submit
a PDF (though eventually an editible format is required,
a PDF is ok for the initial editor review).
Thanks! (Also sent via email to Paul Stodghill & others)
Action: |
Greg Newby: 09/12/2005 3:10 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_group changed from old-APME to Applications
artifact_status changed from Initial Editor Review to Pending Info from Authors
assigned_to changed from 302 to 137
Priority changed from 5 to 4
resolution changed from <None> to Returned to Authors/Group
Greg Newby: 07/05/2005 1:51 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for this submission - I will provide feedback shortly.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 07/05/2005 1:51 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to Initial Editor Review
Priority changed from - to 5
None: 06/29/2005 8:57 AM EST
Action: |
None: 06/29/2005 8:57 AM EST
Attachment: |
(50.11 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 642: use-cases.tar.gz