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Artifact artf3325 : (295) Advice on GWSDL -> WSDL translation
Tracker: OGSI Primer
Title: (295) Advice on GWSDL -> WSDL translation
Operation names which are identical, but defined in different portTypes are still distinct if one portType extends 
another, provided the target namespaces for the portTypes are distinct. 

However, in the GWSDL->WSDL 1.1 translation, all operations adopt the target namespace of the most derived portType and 
may collide.  

The Primer should include a cautionary note. The comment may also apply to SDE names. .
Submitted By: Tim Banks
Submitted On: 07/04/2003 9:52 AM EST
Last Modified: 09/26/2005 3:55 AM EST
Closed: 09/26/2005 3:55 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: * Chapter 04
Status:* Closed
Category: * Proposed Change
Customer: *
Priority: * 0
Assigned To: * David Snelling
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
David Snelling: 09/26/2005 3:55 AM EST
Mass Update
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2005-09-26 09:55:06
Tim Banks: 07/04/2003 9:52 AM EST
  Action: Create

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/artf3325?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 04:28:50 GMT