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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: AGU Strawman_rendering
Document ID: doc15628
Description: This document provides a realization of the required execution service functionality
Version Comment: Added comment on state change aggregation and availability of data staging information during CreateActivity operation.
Version Created By: Aleksandr Konstantinov - 10/23/2009 11:06 AM EDT
Status: Draft
Current Version: 9
Size: 88.29 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 9 Added comment on state change aggregation and availability of data staging information during CreateActivity operation. Aleksandr Konstantinov - 10/23/2009 Draft
Version 8 v0.37 in 3.1 format. Chapter 2.1 'CreateActivity operation' : At this stage, the service can NOT provide the stage-in location yet. In order to permit notification, the 'CreateActivity' operation should allow an 'Notification EPR' as an additional optional input parameter Etienne URBAH - 10/16/2009 Draft
Version 7 v0.36, pdf file Balazs Konya - 10/06/2009 Draft
Version 6 v0.36, openoffice 3.1: minor editorial (e.g. adding back page numbers, fixing broken section header, etc.) Balazs Konya - 10/06/2009 Draft
Version 5 Draft version v0.36 in 3.1 format. Inside chapter 5.1, promote each Job State as a level 3 subchapter. Etienne URBAH - 10/02/2009 Draft
Version 4 - Vector operations on Single Jobs do NOT imply Collection Jobs (which are out of scope). - Any implementation of the PGI Execution Service MUST implement all first level Job states, exactly as described in this document. It MAY implement substates. If these substates correspond to substates described in this document, then these substates MUST be implemented exactly as described in this document. Etienne URBAH - 10/02/2009 Draft
Version 3 Draft version v0.35 in PDF format Moreno Marzolla - 07/31/2009 Draft
Version 2 Draft version v0.35 in 3.1 format Moreno Marzolla - 07/31/2009 Draft
Version 1 initial rather incomplete draft Balazs Konya - 05/11/2009 Draft

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/docman/do/viewDocument/projects.pgi-wg/docman.root.input_documents.execution_service/doc15628?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 18:59:15 GMT