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PGI TelCon 2009-03-13 - 4.p.m. OGF25 Debrief TelCon
OGF25 Summarizing shortly our sessions, going through the minutes on GridForge

- Morris: Minutes (of every meeting) can be found under discussion section -> meetings
- Morris: Many positive points, but more critics of PGI at OGF25 - however we keep on impress with results rather than 
### TBD Johannes: Precise changes to Davids statement about production Grids in wg session 1 minutes
### TBD All: for changing minutes please use the discussion functionality on gridforge
### TBD Morris: Consensus of the WG has to be achieved before attending the middleware security group meeting (end of 

Addressing Comments: Liasons with other working groups: SRM, JSDL, BES, etc.
SRM -> Alex Sim
JSDL -> Donal Fellows
OGSA-BES -> Andrew GrimShaw/Steven Newhouse
Security -> David Groep

- Steven: unclear what this liasons should be for
- Morris: official contact for knowledge transfer to standardization groups (hopefully participation in PGI as well)

Addressing Comments: (possible) prioritization to focus efforts:
Clearly security breaks everything - so lets foster security 
bes/glue then
data issues

Steven: security might be a block to achieve results in other areas (i.e. bes et al.)
Morris: Priorization on security has been discussed and agreed on
Andrew: was an important aspect in OGSA as well where security has been a weak point for interop

Addressing Comments: Possible slit-up to sub-groups following the different priorizations in subgroups (initially 
disagreement, but now on the table again)

Morris: already discussed and agreed (many times) that we don't want to have sub-groups
Morris: lack of knowledge behind specific standardization areas is exactly what the problem is, standards in isolation
### TBD All: Attend telcons twice a week for those areas you have interest/experience in, not necessarily chaired by PGI
### TBD security related experts: dedicated TelCon on Friday (4.p.m. CET) to pursue security
### TBD computation related experts: dedicated TelCon on Wednesday (4.p.m. CET) to purse OGSA-BES/JSDL problems (
voluntary chaired by Andrew)
### TBD Andrew et al: provide a summary of the documents related to computation from GridForge before Wednesday

Addressing Comments: production Grids and driving forces of PGI (small fish vs. big fish), manpower issues versus 
production Grids and campus Grids

Morris: we have enormously problems with balancing man power and accurate representation of all production Grids
Morris: There is unfortunately a momentum to loose the close PGI collaboration if this inbalance continues

Other comments by participants of the TelCon

- Steven: We need precise actions to prepare for the telcon in advance
### TBD: Morris send out actions for preparing the telcons 
### TBD: Morris creates four different E-Mail threads related to the different areas to promote discussions on the list
Post Deleted
Re: PGI TelCon 2009-03-13 - 4.p.m. OGF25 Debrief TelCon
I am afraid that my voice was NOT audible, so I have written down my thoughts here.

(1) OGF25 Summarizing shortly our sessions, going through the minutes on GridForge

Through its discussion thread, I have updated the summary of Standard Working Session 2 :  WSDL files need description 
in human-readable format.

(2) Addressing Comments: Liaisons with other working groups: SRM, JSDL, BES, etc.


-  At OGF25, there was an 'OGSA Authz Working Group' session led by David CHADWICK and Valerio VENTURI, and described at
   I am sorry, but I did NOT attend this session.
   The existence of this session indicates that the OGSA-AUTHZ Working Group is perhaps still alive.
   I am wondering if the work that the PGI group is trying to perform about security should perhaps be performed inside 
this OGSA-AUTHZ Working Group ?
   If PGI decides to perform valuable work on security OUTSIDE the OGSA-AUTHZ Working Group, PGI has to clearly write 
down the reasons.

-  In any way, recommendations on security can be implemented in production ONLY after a thorough review and a written 
approval by JSPG, which is defining the Security Policy of at least EGEE, NorduGrid and OSG.

-  So, beyond David GROEP, I can suggest following contacts :
   -  JSPG :  David KELSEY,  Christoph WITZIG  (I think that both attended PGI sessions at OGF25)

-  I will attend the MWSG Meeting in Zürich on 30 March 2009 with Morris.

(3) Addressing Comments: (possible) prioritization to focus efforts:

I fully agree.

(4) Addressing Comments: Possible slit-up to sub-groups following the different priorizations

I agree.  I will try to attend both telephone conferences.

(5) Addressing Comments: production Grids and driving forces of PGI

-  As a sustainable infrastructure, EDGeS is a small fish (only a 2-years project with less than 100 people),

-  But a Computing Resources, EDGeS is a BIG fish (potentially MILLIONS of destop computers).

As I already stated, EDGeS has NO brand new Security, Job or Data model, but works on bridges between computing grids.  
Inside its bridges, EDGeS would NOT like to implement a lot of grid-specific plugins (interoperation), but only a few 
OGF-compliant plugins (interoperability).

(6) Other comments by participants of the TelCon

Using telephone number +9900827049931906, my voice was NOT audible.

I order to avoid that in the next conferences, I make following proposals :

-  Use a real SKYPE meeting, and invite telephone number +9900827049931906 for those who can not join SKYPE.
   Below are some Skype pseudos that I already found :
   -  Andrew   GRIMSHAW   uvagrimshaw
   -  Balazs   KONYA      balazs.konya
   -  Moreno   MARZOLLA   moreno7663
   -  Morris   RIEDEL     MorrisRiedel
   -  Gabor    ROCZEI     roczey
   -  Oxana    SMIRNOVA   oxana.smirnova
   -  Etienne  URBAH      etienne.urbah
   -  Johannes WATZL      bratschist
   -  David    WALLOM     d_wallom 

-  Use the video conferencing infrastructure of my IN2P3-LAL institute :
   -  IN2P3 has a Video Conferencing Server (MCU) at
   -  LAL has several rooms with H323 equipment, and I can easily book one for each Friday at 16h00 CET.
Re: PGI TelCon 2009-03-13 - 4.p.m. OGF25 Debrief TelCon
Using ordinary skype conference seems to be impossible due to number of participants limitation (AFAIR 10). 
Another possible candidate for meeting is EVO  -, 
Last one seems to be down at the moment or is accessible from CERN only.

Aleksandr Konstantinov
aleksandr.konstantinov @ skype
Re: PGI TelCon 2009-03-13 - 4.p.m. OGF25 Debrief TelCon
Participants of the Telcon:

Andrew Grimshaw
Duane Merrill
Steven Newhouse
Etienne Urbah
Benjamin Henne
David Wallom
Morris Riedel (chair)

Sorry for missing some folks in my list, please add yourself here.

Take care,

Re: PGI TelCon 2009-03-13 - 4.p.m. OGF25 Debrief TelCon
Sorry for having missed the meeting, had to tend for some students.

A couple of comments:

- No splitting,please. If the group grows too big to be maintained, it will need to be reduced to its original efficient

- I do see these Wednesday meetings as a very unfortunate sign of a split that goes against the original group intention
. Let me remind again: the group aims at transferring "academic" versions of BES. JSDL and GLUE into one-two profiles 
that are used in production. Separating BES and JSDL from GLUE and security is counterproductive, IMHO - or at least is 
against the original group intention. I have nothing against Andrew taking care of BES and JSDL, but this is not the 
remit of PGI, where "P" stands for "Production".


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