05/27/2003 9:49 PM
2002-08-14 TELECON
Minutes of the OGSI-WG Teleconference
14/Aug/2002 @ 15:00-16:30 GMT
Minute taker: Steve Tuecke
Tim Banks, IBM
Edward Boden, IBM
Steve Graham, IBM
Fred Maciel, Hitachi
Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Labs
Frank Siebenlist, ANL
Steve Tuecke, ANL
Peter Vanderbilt, NASA Ames
Mike Williams, IBM
1) Approval of minutes of GGF5 sessions
2) Approval of minutes of August 7th call
3) Technical discussion: Change management
Change Management
24 Loosen serviceType immutability statement
25 Version numbers vs immutable service description
Steve Tuecke: Overview of the change management problem.
Brainstorming options for expressing (in-)compatibility
a) Steve Tuecke: Current draft uses immutable names
* Clarify this with language about "immutability" and putting it
in the wild (Pete has suggestions on language here). Need
language that talks about the ability to communicate changes to
all possible interested parties
* Tim Banks: Do we want a timeout on the serviceType, just like we
have it on a service/GSR?
- Is this just a social process?
- Or is there some mechanism that helps in that social process, by
allowing the communication of such serviceType timeouts.
b) Tim Banks: Instead of compatibility assertion statement, consider
a deprecation statement, similar to Java. So the only change
that can be made to a serviceType is to add an element that
refers to another serviceType that deprecates this one.
c) Steve Tuecke & Steve Graham: Version numbers
* Include a version number in the serviceType
* Probably need to define relationships between version numbers,
such as ordering & (in-)compatibility between versions.
d) Pete Vanderbilt: Use serviceType inheritance to represent backward
* Can end up with long chains over time
* Cannot represent various forms of compatibility, such as
extensions to operation parameters, or additional operations in
a portType.
Pete Vanderbilt: What about service element mutability?
* Can a running instance, in mid-stream, change its WSDL service
definition to implement a new serviceType? What are the
compatibility implications? Options:
1) New serviceType MUST be backward compatible with old
serviceType. Then client does not have to worry about these
2) Leave it to the offline semantic definition of the
serviceType. That is, serviceType semantics may or may not
require that any new serviceType that replaces it in the
service element of the GSR be backward compatible
3) Have a syntactic extension to WSDL to express #2.
* Implementers of the same serviceType may want to make different
decisions about this. This might imply #3.
* A client would be able to see a change in serviceType by checking
the service element in the GSR whenever it gets a new one
Pete Vanderbilt: Can a serviceType make statements about the lifetime
of any instances that implement that serviceType?
* Steve Graham: Probably not. We would need to see a use case.
Note: Treat serviceDataDescriptions the same as portTypes, with
respect to compatibility.
Brainstorming on requirements on compatibility:
a) Change serviceType on a running instance (service element
b) Make a backward compatible change to a parameter of a particular
operation, for example to add a new option or extension without
changing any existing options. (Note that this can be done either
via extensibility elements in the parameter, or via XSD complex
type extension.)
c) Add a new operation to a portType, without changing or removing
any existing operations in...
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