05/27/2003 9:56 PM
2002-11-06 TELECON
Minutes of the OGSI-WG Teleconference
06/Nov/2002 @ 22:00-13:30 GMT
Shel Finkelstein <Sun>
Steve Graham <IBM>
Bill Horn <IBM>
Fred Maciel <Hitachi>
Jim Magowan <IBM>
John Rofrano <IBM>
Karl Czajkowski <USC>
Andreas Savva <Fujitsu>
David Snelling <Fujitsu>
Ellen Stokes <IBM>
Steve Teucke <ANL>
1) Approval of minutes from October 30, 2002 - OK.
2) Notification of AOB and agenda approval. Decided to skip notification and go through proposal on SetSDE paper from
John Rofrano and Ellen Stokes.
3) Interim meeting plans - No additional planning required at this meeting.
4) Actions Review was skipped. Here are the unchanged current actions.
Action: Steve Graham and Pete to drive the creation of an XML Schema for the specification, #35 - Pending, but may be
dealt with in a breakout at GGF6.
Action: Steve Graham to craft language for recommendations to developers for use of resolvers. Pending, but may be a
session at GGF6.
Action: Dave Snelling and Andrew Grimshaw to look at requirements and solutions for pull like semantics - Pending with
ideas forming.
Action: Dave, Steve G, and others Write something for Events portType that might work with JMS and related issues (use
cases) - Pending
Action: All to post use cases for Notification/Events to the list.
Action: Keith to post pointers to the Python implementation. - Pending
Action: Dave S to put a proposition for registration portType, together
with exact text - Pending
Action John Rofrano and Ellen Stokes will propose a setServiceDataByName(s) text.
Also by DB style Update if possible. Done, but reissued request for a new draft
following discussions on Nov 6th. - Pending
Action: Andrew G to write a document describing the options for reslover behavior. - Pending
Action: Steve T. publish spec and Resloved/Fixed bug numbers - Pending.
5) Technical Issue, Set ServiceData proposal:
A pdf document was posted to the list. We went through this with the following basic feelings exhibited. A second draft
is actioned to John and Ellen.
- A new attribute, modifiable (type boolean) indicates what the client can
do through the portType operations. This does not effect what the server
can do the the SDE. - Basic agreement, but see actions.
- The default, if not defined, is false. - Universal agreement.
- A more complete table of the interaction between mutability and modifiability
was requested, see actions.
- The spec includes two SDEs that could be given a maodifable=true
attribute, the SDE are GSH and TerminationTime - This received some acceptance.
- Update by name expression type generally accepted as a required expression type.
- The proposed caveat on authorization was thought acceptable.
- The value in the update expression needs to be an element rather than an attribute.
- The semantics of update verses replace need to be addressed with reference to mutability.
- It is also not clear whether the spec should include automaticity. Although there was
support for more semantics in the basic plural update than just shorthand for multiple
singular set/update operations.
- The faults framework seemed to need simplification. It was also felt that faults should
somehow mirror what was specifiable, e.g if we are going to have a fault
'not-setable-just-now' then we should also extend modifiable to capture
'intermitently-modifiable'. The proposers will revisit this in the next round.
6) matters arising:
Resolved: Put back findByServiceDataName (singular).
Possible new bug: Simple fault 'expression type not supported' should be added to the general framework.
7) For reference this is the proposed discussion sequence for Events and Notification.
Bugs (Grouped by related topics and hopefully in a sensible order):
57 - We need events and Topics
42 - The distinction between 'void return' and 'no...
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