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wiki2186: Extensions


Billing & Reporting (billing)

The billing and reporting extension allows clients to extract billing information and usage reports.

File management (file)

The file management API allows clients (including other services) to transfer data to/from the service. Methods include:
Native HTTP can be used for file transfers, complete with resume and range support. This is a minimum common standard for all implementations.
Synchronizes data from one location to another while minimizing data transfer using delta encoding when appropriate, thereby allowing for remote copies to be efficiently maintained for business continuity and disaster recovery purposes.
This set of extensions to HTTP allows users to edit and manage files collaboratively on remote web servers. Implementing WebDAV allows clients to upload, download and manipulate files using native operating system support, typically exposed via standard drag and drop graphical user interfaces.

Search service (search)

Attribute search

It is possible to search for arbitrary attributes by specifying them in the full text search query string (e.g. "?q=cpu.cores:2")

Category search

To search for members of a given category (that is, any resource with a given Atom "term" or "label") do a HTTP GET request to "<entrypoint>/-/cat1/cat2":
  • "/-/" denotes that the following fragments are to be interpreted as categories
  • multiple cateogries result in a logical AND query (e.g. "/-/cat1/cat2" means "cat1 AND cat2")
  • use pipe (|, URL encoded as %7C) for logical OR (e.g. "/-/cat1|cat2" means "cat1 OR cat2")
  • prefixing "-" negates a category (e.g. "/-/cat1/-cat2" means "cat1 AND NOT cat2")
  • Atom schemes can be specified using curly braces (e.g. "/-/{}public")
  • any of these selectors can be combined (e.g. "/-/cat1%7Ccat2/-cat3" means "(cat1 OR (NOT cat2)) AND (NOT cat3)")

Full text search

For full text search append "?q=<query>" to the entry point URI and make a HTTP GET request. An XML feed containing all matching resources will be returned.

Network management (network)

The network management extension provides rudimentary network management functionality that must be delivered for enabling cloud infrastructure services.

Performance monitoring (monitor)

This extension provides for performance monitoring of resources. An extension to this performance monitoring is in the case where a provider offers the functionality of automated SLAs, then through this or by extension SLAs can be monitored (performance with respect to guarantees).

State control (state)

This extension adds support for the lifecycle management of workloads (e.g. slices, virtual machines and physical machines).

This extension implements a state machine for each applicable resource and exposes a number of URL "actuators" for triggering state changes. The "actuator" URLs are of the form <entrypoint>/<uuid>/sc/<operation> (e.g.

Storage management (storage)

The storage management extension provides rudimentary storage management functionality that must be delivered for enabling cloud infrastructure services.


Projections allow API users to specify that partial sets of attributes should be returned, to avoid stressing the backend.

Naming considerations


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.occi-wg/wiki/Extensions? at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 22:18:34 GMT