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wiki2184: APIReview
The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) is a "consensus" of the state of the art at the time of development.

This document critically reviews the existing APIs, highlighting the perceived pros and cons of each.

Amazon EC2

  • Well accepted, de-facto standard


  • Intellectual property minefield (copyright, patent and trademark concerns raised)
  • RPC-style API
  • Flat namespace
  • Many different functions to implement/remember (design shows legacy of development: e.g. starting a server with a static IP and persistent storage is 3 calls, since both of these features were added independently later)

Elastic Hosts

  • Very simple key-value pairs used (big plus)


  • Limited extensibility
  • Limited verifiability of formats (no schemas)
  • Limited security beyond HTTPS and HTTP Basic Auth (e.g. no signatures)

Flexi Scale

Not yet assessed.

Go Grid

  • Includes support for load balancers
  • Handles jobs/requests ("A Job is an asynchronous command issued to the system by either a user or system workflow. These asynchronous commands are processed into actions that modify the environment.")
  • Supports multiple formats (CSV, JSON, XML)
  • Multiple client implementations (Java, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, C#, Bash)
  • Uses HTTP errors (but extends them with structured data, for better or worse)
  • Exposes billing information (including resource statistics)
  • Credential (username/password) management
  • Simple request format (HTML forms: application/x-www-form-urlencoded)


  • Uses request signing unnecessarily (may be dangerous e.g. Amazon EC2 vulnerability)
  • REST/RPC hybrid ("REST-like Query interface" with parametrised procedures like "/grid/server/delete")
  • Rudimentary filtering options for large numbers of resources (grid.image.list returns "a list of all server images available to you" for example)
  • Stops/Restarts are always hard (no ACPI options etc.)



  • Mostly RESTful
  • Exposes Sun Cloud functionality as simply as possible


  • Still in development
  • Hybrid RPC-REST
  • Limited extensibility

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.occi-wg/wiki/APIReview? at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 12:20:28 GMT