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wiki1987: Requirements

perfSONAR Requirements

Current Element Hierarchy:
  • Domain
    • Domains are top level elements
  • Node
    • Domains can have many nodes, nodes can only exist in one domain
  • Port (Interface)
    • Domains can have many logical ports, but logical ports that are direct children of a domain can only be a child of that domain
    • Nodes can have many logical/physical ports, but logical/physical port that are direct children of a node can only be a child of that node
    • A logical port cannot be in both a domain and a node at the same time
  • Links
    • Domains can have many logical/physical links, but a link can only be a child of that domain
    • Ports can have many logical/physical unidirectional links attached, but a link that is a direct child of a port can only be a child of that port
    • A link cannot be both directly beneath a port and directly beneath a domain at the same time
  • Paths
    • Paths can be top-level elements if they span multiple domains or are part of a system that can produce paths that pass through multiple domains even though a given path it produces may only exist inside one domain
    • Domains can have many paths, but a path that is a direct child of a domain can only be a child of that domain
    • A path cannot be both a child of a domain and top-level at the same time
  • Network
    • More like a group than the network element we've defined
    • Networks can be top-level elements if the elements in that network span multiple domains or the network is part of a system of multidomain networks, but all its elements happen to be in the same domain.
    • Domains can have multiple networks, but a network that is a direct child of a domain can only be a child of that domain.
    • A network cannot be both a child of a domain and top-level at the same time
  • Services
    • Domains can have many services, services that are direct children of a domain can only be a child of that domain
    • Nodes can have many services, services that are direct children of a node can only be a child of that node
    • Ports can have many services, services that are direct children of a port can be a child of that port
    • Services cannot be direct children of a domain, node and port at the same time.

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.nml-wg/wiki/Requirements? at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 14:43:45 GMT