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wiki2007: PhoneMeeting20080424


  • Refine description of Storage Resource
  • rewind : status of only local available protocol issue
  • CNAF example



  • Laurence Field
  • Felix Ehm
  • Stephen Burke
  • Oxana Smirnova
  • Paul Millar
  • Maarten Litmaath
  • Sergio Andreozzi

Agenda Bashing:

  1. Storage Resource Definition
  2. Identifying Local Protocols
  3. Discuss CNAF example
  4. Do we keep the DataStore?
  5. Do we change the name of DataStore?
  6. Discuss the link between StorageShare and DataStore
  7. Do we need StorageActivity and StorageMetrics?
  8. Check the CESEBind
  9. Access Policy

Storage Resource Definition

  • Agreed definition: The primary management software for the a set of storage resources.
    Note that the name storage resource may change.
  • The definition suggests that the entity name should be StorageManagementX where X could be system, software, etc.
  • This definition creates a question about main entities for Resource which should be covered in a separate discussion.
  • No Status is needed in this entity as the status is provided in the endpoints.

Discussion on the CNAF example.

  • How to express multiple version of GPFS?
    GPFS is the management software. Postpone until the DataStore has been discussed.


  • Overview discussion on the history, GlueStorageLibrary, abstract properties vs concrete implementations, nearline vs tape etc.
  • What is the need for the DataStore?
  • Use Case: To express hardware for high level management views. Should be simple with not to many details.

The Link Between StorageShare and DataStore.

  • There is a conceptual link between storage share capacity and the DataStore object.
  • Discussion on the link between storage ShareCapacity and DataStore.
  • No real conclusion. Remove the link we if it is real required. If concrete use cases are presented, can revisit this item.

New Discussions : The Link Between StorageShare and StorageManagementX

  • Use Case: Operational. If there are multiple management entities how do you know which shares are affected by a particular version.
  • This is a rare use case so may not a high priority and only affect complex (usually well supported) deployments. Operations would have to contact the administrators directly.
  • There is a link between Share and Resource (StorageManagementX ) in the main entities. Need to revisit the main entities discussion.
  • No real conclusion. Remove the link we if it is really required and if concrete use cases are presented, can revisit this item.

Name For The DataStore.

  • Definition: An abstracted view of a sufficiently homogeneous storage device.
  • Let the entity be as it is for now.

Identifying Local Protocols

  • Require a boolean to identify local access. Attribute name should be GlobalAccess : boolean

Discussion of CNAF example

  • Concensus that with better definitions this use case can be met. Require OtherInfo for AccessProtocol.

Storage Activity / Storage Metrics.

  • Storage Activity: Would be nice to have but not a night priority and can be added at any time.
  • Monitoring Metrics: Load on Service at any given moment.
  • Use Cases: FTS, number of active transfers, uploads and downloads, transfer rates
  • Require a proposal and then can discus.


  • Keep the many CE to one SE relationship. Add LocalID and OtherInfo. Bandwidth is not asymmetric so there only needs to be one instance.


  • From the diagram it seems that ACLs are missing from the protocol. This should become clear when Sergio adds the missing associations.


Enhance the descriptions with the descriptions from Paul's document.


  1. Change the StorageResource to StorageManagementX and update the definition
  2. Agree on what X should be
  3. Discuss the resulting affect on the main entities.
  4. Remove the link between ShareCapacity and DataStore
  5. Remove the link between StorageShare and StorageManagementX
  6. Discuss the resulting affect on the main entities.
  7. Update the definition for the DataStore
  8. Add GlobalAcesss and OtherInfo to the AccessProtocol
  9. Add LocalID and OtherInfo to the CESEBind

Versions Associations Attachments Back Links  
Version Version Comment Created By
Version 9 Felix Ehm - 04/25/2008
Version 8 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 7 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 6 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 5 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 4 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 3 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 2 Laurence Field - 04/25/2008
Version 1 Felix Ehm - 04/24/2008

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20080424?showDetails=true at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:04:47 GMT