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wiki1837: PhoneMeeting20070713RMWGSergio
  • I.1 : In the current GLUE Spec draft, there are several top-level main entities (e.g., site, element, service, resource); other conceptual modeling approach (e.g., CIM and RM-WG) use a common abstract entity from which they inherit;
    • Q.1.1 :what is the advantage of a common abstract entity?
    • Q.1.2 :should we follow the same approach in GLUE?
    • Q.1.3 :if so, what is the top-levle entity and how do we define it? component? element? other?
  • I.2 : in the current GLUE Spec draft, the "site" concept is considered to provide a set of elements; the "element" is a kind of container concept for a set of entities and relationships that together define an autonomous entity offered to the Grid and managed by the site; this autonomous entity is identified by a unique name assigned to the element;
    • so far, two specializations of element are for the computing element and the storage element
    • the simplest element can contain only one entity (e.g., a service)
    • some person believe that the element concept can be removed and that the "contained" can be directly related to the site
    • Q.2.1 : do we need a global unique name for the set of entities and relationships composing a computing entity exposed to a Grid (e.g., a computing entity includes services, resources, share, software)
    • Q.2.1 : if we remove the element (and computing element) class, what and how do we relate the concepts defining a computing entity to the site?
  • I.3 : relationship between Reference Model and GLUE
    • Q.3.1 : how does a ManagedComponent relates to the GLUE concepts? which entities can be seen as a specialization for this?


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Version 1 Sergio Andreozzi - 07/12/2007

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20070713RMWGSergio?showDetails=true at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:05:48 GMT