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Artifact artf5589 : Consider including a list of questions people might want answerd to.
Tracker: Tasks for our Technical Strategy Document
Title: Consider including a list of questions people might want answerd to.
From Mark:

1.	What is OGF’s stated position and approach to standards and why? (e.g. let a 1,000 flowers bloom; work on the most 
practical and common case specifications; etc.)?
2.	What do we mean by “architecture” in the context of the new organization and how do we communicate the 
architectural intent of the new organization?
3.	Should the Open Grid Forum have a “flagship architecture” and if so why? 
4.	What do we mean by flagship? (e.g. not exclusive, but critical and one we want to brand, communicate extensively and 
rally people around).
5.	How should an OGF flagship architecture be positioned to enable maximum support and engagement with key stakeholders 
and active group members?
6.	How should we communicate the role of architecture within the OGF in relationship to the specifications we develop?
7.	Is there a difference in the concerns of architecture development and specification development? If yes, do we have 
the right “structure” within standards to maintain a separation between architecture development and specification 
development so that the concerns of each don’t clash? How do we institutionalize the “architectural process”, the “
design team process” and the “group specifications process”.
8.	What is the minimum set of specifications to establish a beachhead of interoperability between key middleware 
platforms and how then do we build and extend on this minimum set and link to our architectural intent?
9.	How are OGF’s current architectures (OGSA, Reference Architecture) viewed/positioned by key stakeholders and active 
group members of our community? 
(1)	What are the perceived strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities?
(2)	What changes should we investigate to improve the perception of OGSA 
(3)	What changes should we investigate to improve the perception of RA
(4)	Should the two architectures remain separate or be integrated over time
10.	Complete the following: Our Area Directors and Group Chairs believe that our 3 highest priority specifications are 
… and the reason why is …
11.	Complete the following: Our Area Directors and Group Chairs believe that our 3 highest priority gaps are … and the 
reason why is … 
12.	Complete the following: Our key stakeholders believe the 3 highest priority specifications are … and the reason why
 is … 
13.	Complete the following: Our key stakeholders believe the 3 highest priority gaps are … and the reason why is … 
14.	Complete the following: The 3 most tangible results we can deliver in the Standards Area in 2007 are …
15.	What are the simple places where we can claim victory by finishing current work and by promoting completed work more
16.	What areas are outside the scope of OGF?
17.	What can OGF do to collaborate optimally with partner SDOs etc working in closely aligned areas?
Submitted By: David Snelling
Submitted On: 09/14/2006 3:03 PM EDT
Last Modified: 09/14/2006 3:03 PM EDT

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/tracker/do/viewArtifact/projects.tsc/tracker.task_for_our_technical_strategy/artf5589?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:23:42 GMT