This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/tracker/do/viewArtifact/projects.jsdl-wg/tracker.activity_schema/artf6473?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:07:01 GMT SourceForge : artf6473: Atomicity of activities

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Artifact artf6473 : Atomicity of activities
Tracker: Activity schema
Title: Atomicity of activities
Peter wrote:
"1.2 mentions that activities are atomic. Will there be one activity in a provisioning request such as "start 100 VMs" 
for each VM? This might introduce a lot of additional overhead."
Submitted By: Philipp Wieder
Submitted On: 04/08/2011 9:20 AM EDT
Last Modified: 01/23/2012 9:19 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (1)  
Group: *
Status:* Resolved
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 4
Assigned To: * Alexander Papaspyrou
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
Philipp Wieder: 01/23/2012 9:19 AM EST
This has been incorporated in the specification. RESOLVED.
  Action: Update
Status changed from Open to Resolved
Michel Drescher: 11/22/2011 4:14 AM EST
  Action: Move
Moved from [PROVISIONAL] Feature requests to Activity schema
Michel Drescher: 11/22/2011 4:13 AM EST
  Action: Move
Moved from Activity schema to [PROVISIONAL] Feature requests
Status changed from Fixed to Open
Alexander Papaspyrou: 04/12/2011 12:15 PM EDT
Modified sec 1.2 accordingly.
  Attachment: Activity-Schema-Document_Specification_v36-artf6473.docx (1 MB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Status changed from Pending to Fixed
Philipp Wieder: 04/08/2011 9:21 AM EDT
This is domain specific. But maybe there is a place in the text where this can be stated?
  Action: Update
Philipp Wieder: 04/08/2011 9:20 AM EDT
  Action: Create

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/tracker/do/viewArtifact/projects.jsdl-wg/tracker.activity_schema/artf6473?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:07:02 GMT