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tracker1628 : Tasks for our Technical Strategy Document Summary
Name: Tasks for our Technical Strategy Document
Priority 1:  10 Priority 2:  1 Priority 3:  2
Priority 4:  3 Priority 5:  1 Priority None:  0
Summary: 17 Open, 5 Closed: 22 Total
Description: Tasks to undertake wrt the ongoing development of our Technical Strategy and Roadmap document.

Tasks for our Technical Strategy Document  (17 Items)
Priority Artifact ID : Title Assigned To Submitted By Status Category  
Filter:  :   
1 artf5588: Do we need a section on path to market None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5632: Some comments from Andrew None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5636: Some comments from Charlie None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5661: Some comments from Don None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5665: Some comments from Greg None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5635: Some comments from Ken None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5631: Some comments from Malcolm None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5637: Some comments from Paul None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5662: Some comments from Tony None David Snelling Open  
2 artf5567: Need a a cleaner segmentation of our work. None David Snelling Open  
3 artf5589: Consider including a list of questions people might want answerd to. None David Snelling Open  
3 artf5868: Suggestions from OGSA Data postponed to the next version. None David Snelling Open  
4 artf5872: Comments from J-P Prost None David Snelling Open  
4 artf5613: Sync TS Doc with OGF18 Role up. None David Snelling Open  
4 artf5593: Track dependencies on other SDOs None David Snelling Open  
5 artf5566: Need an archetypical usecase section None David Snelling Open  
1 artf5686: Add a notion of "Big Ideas" Geoffrey Fox David Snelling Open  

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/tracker/do/listArtifacts/projects.tsc/tracker.task_for_our_technical_strategy?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 21:19:45 GMT