Welcome to GridForge
GridForge is in ReadOnly Mode!
As of March 2013, OGF replaces its aging SourceForge based infrastructure with RedMine, so this site is going into ReadOnly mode -- all group operations are moved to http://redmine.ogf.org/. Logins are disabled -- if you need access to non-public data, please contact OGF IT Support.
Open Grid Forum
The Open Grid Forum’s vision is to accelerate grid adoption to enable scientific discovery and business value. We accelerate grid adoption by providing an open forum for grid innovation and outreach while developing open standards for grid software interoperability.
OGF provides an open forum that brings together key individuals and organizations from the grid community to align requirements; identify and remove barriers; workshop best practices that will expedite grid adoption. As an open standards organization, OGF collaborates extensively with other standards development organizations to align with existing industry standards and develop new specifications to enable grid software interoperability.
GridForge represents the main collaboration toolkit used by the OGF community, to share documents and meeting materials, and to collaboratively work on OGF standards.
GridForge bases on a SourceForge installation, and has been enhanced by a number of custom tools.
For infos on GridForge usage, and on other OGF collaboration tools, visit the ggf-info project