This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/rel1020?selectedTab=resolvedInArtifacts&_pagesize=9999 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 22:04:52 GMT SourceForge : View Release

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Project: OGSA-WG     File Releases > Roadmap > Roadmap 1.0 > View Release
Release: rel1020
Name: Roadmap 1.0
Status: Active
Maturity: Stable

Files Reported Tracker Artifacts Fixed Tracker Artifacts Associations  
 (22 Items)
Tracker Priority Artifact ID : Title Assigned To Submitted By Status Category  
Roadmap None artf5360: (1569) Text for section 8 from OMII None Steven Newhouse Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 1 artf5359: (1580) Comments from Olegario Hernandez Jem Treadwell Jem Treadwell Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 2 artf5362: (1385) OGSA branding Jem Treadwell Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 2 artf5361: (1549) Roadmap Text From UniGrids (Dave Snelling) Jem Treadwell Jem Treadwell Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 2 artf5365: (1373) "OGSA Requirements" is the wrong title Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5380: (1372) "OGSA Roadmap" or "OGSA Directions"? Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5366: (1374) the degree of profile adoption Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5374: (1376) Postpone Basic EM profile Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5373: (1379) term profile Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5372: (1380) We distinguish... Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5377: (1381) page 4 footnote Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5371: (1382) title for section 2 Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5376: (1383) Delete 'though' in the last sentence. Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5375: (1384) conformance text Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5364: (1386) Interface schedule (section 5) Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5370: (1387) SDOs collaboration (section 7) Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5369: (1388) OSS project (section 8) Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5368: (1389) security consideration (section 9) Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5367: (1390) service description documents section Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 4 artf5378: (1378) Title format Hiro Kishimoto Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5363: (1398) Compliance Tests Dave Berry Jem Treadwell Closed Version 1.0  
Roadmap 3 artf5379: (1375) BP is "just" a web services profile without WS-RSN Andrew Grimshaw Hiro Kishimoto Closed Version 1.0  


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/rel1020?selectedTab=resolvedInArtifacts&_pagesize=9999 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 22:04:52 GMT