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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: EDGI Use Case 'Marshal Activities from Service Grid to Desktop Grid'
Document ID: doc16058
Description: Main EDGI Use Case :

This Use Case presents the processing of an Activity submitted on a Service Grid for execution on a Desktop Grid.

The security context is described by the EDGI Use Case 'Security of a Production Service Grid'.

IT professionals must already have performed the ‘Prepare Desktop Grid Version of Application’ Use Case for the Application to be executed within the Activity.
Version Comment: Lot of thanks to Ilya SAVERCHENKO for his valuable comments. Service Grids (Federations of managed computing resources) trust Users and push Activities, while Desktop Grids (Loose opportunistic Grids using idle resources) trust Applications and pull Activities. So, there is no interoperability at all. Interoperation can be achieved only by using a Bridge specially designed for this purpose. Detailed description of the Bridge marshaling Activities from Service Grids to Desktop Grids is outside the scope of this Use Case : The User wishing to submit an Activity only needs to know that this Bridge exists, and trust it. Other Actors of this Use Case do not even need to know that this Bridge exists.
Version Created By: Etienne URBAH - 09/09/2010 5:37 AM EDT
Status: Draft
Current Version: 1
Size: 54 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations (1) Review  

Date Association Posted By Comment Association Type
09/09/2010 doc16022:EDGI Use Case 'Marshal Activities from Service Grid to Desktop Grid' Etienne URBAH
Document "Copy of EDGI Use Case 'Marshal Activities from Service Grid to Desktop
 Grid'" was created as a copy of document "EDGI Use Case 'Marshal Activities 
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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/doc16058?nav=1&selectedTab=associations at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:24:46 GMT