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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: EDGeS : Bridging EGEE to BOINC and XtremWeb
Document ID: doc15437
Description: • Abstract: Although current Grid systems are used by a growing number of user communities, still there are scientific communities whose applications require much more computing resources than existing service grids like EGEE can provide. The main objective of our proposal is to support these new communities with the necessary extensions of the existing Grid infrastructures addressing the specific needs of these new scientific communities by integrating existing services grids and desktop grids.

• Objectives: Our main objective is to investigate how existing services grids and desktop grids (either in global, volunteer form or in local form) can be integrated in order to direct embarrassingly parallel applications to desktop grids and tightly coupled parallel applications to cluster based service grids in an optimal and user-transparent way.

• Motivations: Service Grids (SGs) like EGEE are more flexible than DGs and can accommodate a broader variety of applications, however, they are much more expensive to maintain. Desktop Grids are currently restricted solely to Master/Worker-style compute-intensive applications but can scale very easily and are able to collect 1-2 orders of magnitude more compute power than most SGs are able to, and at a fraction of the cost. The interconnection of these two types of Grid systems will enable more advanced applications and provide extended compute capabilities to more researchers.
Version Comment:
Version Created By: Etienne URBAH - 01/09/2009 5:35 PM EST
Status: Draft
Current Version: 1
Size: 1,016.5 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/doc15437?nav=1&selectedTab=review at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:20:21 GMT