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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: Deliverable#1 - Context
Document ID: doc14679
Description: The NML-WG goal is to define a schema for description of hybrid network topologies. In first instance this schema is to be used by lightpath provisioning application to exchange topology information intra and inter domain.

This document constitutes the deliverable 1 of the working group. It provides a detailed overview of the framework in which the working group operates, detailing the already existing topology schemas and providing the basis for the integration of the various projects.
Version Comment: Acknowledge Maciej, minor indentation (layout) changes.
Version Created By: Freek Dijkstra - 02/16/2010 5:21 AM EST
Status: Final
Current Version: 14
Size: 845.5 KB
Lock:  Locked
Locked By: Freek Dijkstra

Versions Associations Review  
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Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 14 Acknowledge Maciej, minor indentation (layout) changes. Freek Dijkstra - 02/16/2010 Final
Version 13 This version implements the suggested change for the listing of references. Based on the guideline document GFD-C.152 I introduced for websites the notation (see: URL) and listed documents as footnotes. Paola Grosso - 02/16/2010 Final
Version 12 Incorporated two minor changes, as suggested by Maciej Łabędzki at Freek Dijkstra - 02/15/2010 Final
Version 11 Changed Paola's address, fixed typo (Securtiy?), update table of contents. PDF version. Freek Dijkstra - 10/13/2009 Final
Version 10 Changed Paola's address, fixed typo (Securtiy?), update table of contents. MS-Word version. Freek Dijkstra - 10/13/2009 Final
Version 9 Changed formatting to adhere to the GFD template, and incorporate comments by Richard Hugh-Jones. Freek Dijkstra - 10/12/2009 Final
Version 8 Ignore previous upload. If possible delete. This is the version of the document that contains the points raised by F. Travostino. Paola Grosso - 06/24/2009 Final
Version 7 Version 7 - Revised version that incoporates changes suggested by F. Travostino. Paola Grosso - 06/24/2009 Final
Version 6 Version 6 - Final version Paola Grosso - 02/03/2009 Final
Version 5 Version 6 - Final version Paola Grosso - 01/22/2009 Draft
Version 4 Version 4 Martin Swany - 12/02/2008 Draft
Version 3 Version including contribution from Pascale Primet and Aurelien Cedeyn. Paola Grosso - 02/18/2008 Draft
Version 2 Version containing Anand Patil contribution Paola Grosso - 10/02/2007 Draft
Version 1 Paola Grosso - 07/20/2007 Draft

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/doc14679?nav=1&selectedTab=versions at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 14:39:44 GMT