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Project: JSDL-WG     Documents > Root Folder > Published Docs > ParameterSweep > Document Details
Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: draft-ogf-jsdl-ext-paramsweep
Document ID: doc14595
Description: The draft Parameter Sweep extension to JSDL 1.0
Version Comment: Final draft submitted to Editor for publication.
- Minor change to add Appendices to TOC
- Copyright years in schemas (2007-2009)
- Bookmarks to fix a missing ]

Accepted all changes
Version Created By: Andreas Savva - 03/31/2009 12:55 PM EDT
Status: Draft
Current Version: 23
Size: 425.5 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 23 Final draft submitted to Editor for publication. - Minor change to add Appendices to TOC - Copyright years in schemas (2007-2009) - Bookmarks to fix a missing ] Accepted all changes Andreas Savva - 03/31/2009 Draft
Version 22 Draft 27. Donal's XSD type casting and content replacement text. Contributor acknowledgements. geoff williams - 03/19/2009 Draft
Version 21 Draft 26. XPath1/2 info. Schema dates 2009/03. new fn:substring() example. Copyright in schema. geoff williams - 03/16/2009 Draft
Version 20 Checked and accepted changes. Andreas Savva - 03/11/2009 Draft
Version 19 Editorial consistency update, plus fix of many small issues found by Geoff. Donal Fellows - 03/10/2009 Draft
Version 18 v23 - small corrections, especially to LoopDouble/Exception Donal Fellows - 02/28/2009 Draft
Version 17 Draft 23. XPath 1.0 allowed. No lay dogs. LoopInteger and LoopDouble improvements and implementation recommendations. geoff williams - 02/27/2009 Draft
Version 16 Draft 22. All changes accepted and Donal's comments worked in. Michel Drescher - 09/15/2008 Draft
Version 15 Draft 21, all changes accepted, minor cosmetic fixes For final call before submission to OGF Editor Andreas Savva - 09/11/2008 Draft
Version 14 Draft 20 - Minor word change (see wg email of 4th Sept. '08) geoff williams - 09/04/2008 Draft
Version 13 Minor change: Addition of processContents="lax" to xsd:any element (relating to artf6269) geoff williams - 08/29/2008 Draft
Version 12 Draft 18 - Only editorial changes and unimportant change tracks accepted. Michel Drescher - 08/22/2008 Draft
Version 11 Draft 17, minor corrections. Added David Meredith to authors list, other contributors. Andreas Savva - 08/22/2008 Draft
Version 10 Added example for artf6148 Andreas Savva - 08/21/2008 Draft
Version 9 Draft 15. Fixes for artf6269 and preliminary text for artf6271. Michel Drescher - 08/21/2008 Draft
Version 8 Closed artifacts artf6147, artf6184, artf6151, artf6145, artf6264 and accepted changes Andreas Savva - 08/21/2008 Draft
Version 7 Draft 13. Editorial changes only. Michel Drescher - 08/20/2008 Draft
Version 6 Draft 12: New text for artf6264. Michel Drescher - 08/15/2008 Draft
Version 5 Draft 11 of the specification: Incorporates text for artf6150 and artf6151 Michel Drescher - 08/07/2008 Draft
Version 4 Draft 10 of the Parameter Sweep specification: The Parameter element is now abstract, and a default substtute, "DocumentNode", has been defined. Revised the complete document for discontinuing the "information set" style and cleaning up the document text as such. Michel Drescher - 07/22/2008 Draft
Version 3 Changes corresponding to (loop function naming) and (loop over decimal/float values) reflecting: 1) Contents updated 2) Example 2.5.4 updated to reflect LoopInteger usage 3) 3.3.* [loop] modified to [loop integer] 4) 3.4 [loop double] defined 5) Appendix B updated to show LoopInteger and LoopDouble schemas geoff williams - 07/08/2008 Draft
Version 2 See Include XPath substring use example + add links in footer to W3C XPath 1 & 2 specification homes. geoff williams - 04/29/2008 Draft
Version 1 document draft 007 Michel Drescher - 06/06/2007 Draft

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/doc14595?nav=1&selectedTab=versions at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 12:15:03 GMT