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Artifact artf6538 : using verbs in relation-names
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: using verbs in relation-names
relations have a direction, the verb of the relation should signify that direction, so we propose to use  hasNode, 
hasService, hasInboundPort, iSource, isSink, etc.
Submitted By: Jeroen van der Ham
Submitted On: 03/14/2012 10:23 AM EDT
Last Modified: 06/28/2012 12:21 PM EDT
Closed: 06/28/2012 12:21 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Status:* Completed
Category:* UML schema
Priority: * 4
Assigned To: * Jeroen van der Ham
Freek Dijkstra: 06/28/2012 12:21 PM EDT
  Action: Update
Closed set to 06/28/2012
Status changed from Last Call to Completed
Freek Dijkstra: 03/29/2012 11:55 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Category changed from Procedural to UML schema
Freek Dijkstra: 03/29/2012 11:55 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Description changed from
relations have a direction, the verb of the relation should signify that direction, so we propose to use  hasNode, 
hasService, hasInboundPort, etc.

hierarchy of relations: 

hasNode, hasInboundPort, isSink, 

or do we want to keep with has:

 hasNode, hasInboundPort, <-hasSink--
relations have a direction, the verb of the relation should signify that direction, so we propose to use  hasNode, 
hasService, hasInboundPort, iSource, isSink, etc.

Jeroen van der Ham: 03/29/2012 11:38 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Status changed from Under discussion to Last Call
Freek Dijkstra: 03/28/2012 10:31 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Assigned To set to Jeroen van der Ham
Status changed from New to Under discussion
Freek Dijkstra: 03/28/2012 8:50 AM EDT
Fine by me too (original proposal was by Jeroen).

As for the exact relation between Ports and Links: I wrote a full proposal in artf6550.
  Action: Update
Jason Zurawski: 03/28/2012 7:17 AM EDT
Agree with Freek, the concept of the verb is fine by me
  Action: Update
Freek Dijkstra: 03/28/2012 5:36 AM EDT
I think two discussions are mixing here.

Let's focus on the proposal to start each relation type with a verb.

Wether it should be "hasSource" or "isSource" and which direction (from Link to Port or from Port to Link)  for this particular relation is, is a 
separate discussion.
  Action: Update
Jeroen van der Ham: 03/28/2012 5:31 AM EDT
True, but we have used the "sink" relation, which is confusing because it doesn't imply a direction (of the relation).
  Action: Update
Jason Zurawski: 03/27/2012 7:28 PM EDT
I dont have a strong preference, we have never used 'isSink' in practice so this seems strange to me.  
  Action: Update
Jeroen van der Ham: 03/14/2012 10:23 AM EDT
  Action: Create

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf6538?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 14:39:20 GMT