Freek Dijkstra: 07/20/2012 9:56 AM EDT
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Freek has taken this up with help of Jeroen, Henrik, Roman, Aaron, John and Jerry.
This topic will be discussed in the NSI-WG, and no longer be tracked here.
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Closed set to 07/20/2012
Status changed from Need proposal to Rejected
Freek Dijkstra: 04/05/2012 11:41 AM EDT
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Priority changed from 2 to 4
Freek Dijkstra: 09/21/2011 6:36 AM EDT
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Status changed from New to Waiting for volunteer
Freek Dijkstra: 09/19/2011 10:11 PM EDT
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It would be great if we could get rid of some of the groups.
If not, here are a few specific questions:
Is relation topology:domain 1:1, many:1, 1:many or many:many?
Can the domain concept be extended to include other types of domains besides network domains (After all, we need to work together with other grid
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